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hi necker - abc_1
yes, I completely understand that not liking the program is not a good reason to give but what do you suggest in a scanario like this where you feel stuck up at a place you don't want to be in? I am sure the program you apply to would also be apprehensive as to why you are leaving the prior one. So would you suggest dropping out anyways by giving a better reason or completing your residency at that program only?
Thanks a ton Smile
It is a very personal decision. In the first place you should have a position in mind or semi-arranged somewhere. And that can be tough unless you have a big reason (like a spouse) to move there. If you just leave the program, then the rest of program can see you as a quiter, someone with no commitment. On the other hand, I am sure it can be really hard to spend 3 years in a place you totally dislike. if you have visa issues, you should think on those too.

I am really hoping that this is just a hypothetical question. In that case, as I reccomended before, do not sign a prematch or rank a program unless you believe you will be able to spend 3 years in there and that you think that you will be able to achieve your goals.

It is a hypothetical question in the sense that right now I am not in that 'stuck up' position but the thing is that I am unsure, like everyone else whether I will match to my top choices or not. But I don't want to stay unmatched either. So if I match to a program that's last on my list, should I think of quitting it next year in a hope to match at a better place or just stay put where I am?
I am really apprehensive and confused and that's why I was desperate to get your opinion. Thanks a lot for all the help Smile
Quitting can be harmful, and probably more risky than beneficial. Do you think that the program will give you some days off for you to interview at another program?

I know that people start to be a little afraid about not matching when the final date approaches. Hell, I was a little nervous and I ranked 20 programs (the maximum permitted as a couple match)...but fortunately for me, I was willing to work at all of them, because they were nice programs overall, or at least they looked like it. I could had paid a little extra to rank a few more programs but I wasn't really convinced about them so we didn't rank them. We ended matching at our top program, so we were afraid for nothing. Believe me,it is not worth it to rank a program you absolutelly hated.

Good luck
After listening to stories of being unmatched after ranking 20+ programs, I am scared to death and I just don't want to go unmatched.
What you are saying sounds really good that don't rank a program if you don't think that you would like to work there. Right now I think my priority is to get a residency but when I think further on it, I do realize that it won't be easy to work at a place you don't like.
But according to you, either I take the risk of ranking lesser programs or if I don't, I should stay at the program I match to regardless of it being good or bad because the repercussions of quiiting are bad.
Thank you very much!
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