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Any one please help me - psd
My exam is in one month. I feel very down. I got to know about this site recently and I read some are saying reading kaplan home study is not worth at all. Since my only source is this I am now anxious .I did UW after reading these books once I scored avr 50 .Now I am middle of second time reading.
Friends help me and guide me please. I can't postpond my Exam since it is the last period of the 3rd month.
no one going to help me?
1 mth is a LOT...stop distrations and study seriously....know FA well u can do it
thanx usamle7 .
psd. dont just believe what people usamle says 1m full time is a lot of time. Take FA by topic and try to recall material for 1/2 of the day. Do MCQ's the other half. keep going by system. eg Kidney (recall emb, recall levels of kidney, bs, glom structure, filtration barrier)..then move to phyio, path, diuretics, site of action, s/e) Once you give structure to your prep, you will relax and be able to concentrate well! good luck!
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