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My interview experience(s) - sree123
I attended 5 interviews in the last 10 days
1) CHOM, Detroit - very big programme, 30 residents, half of them IMGs, no medical questions,be prepared if you had put any thing unusual on CV like hobbies, did not ask for prematch, not heard anything so far
2) Georgetown Univ - 12 residents, 2 IMGs/yr, why Paeds? how can you fit with your vast experience? no medical qs, did not ask for prematch, no news so far
3) Peoria- small, very nice programme,6/yr, IMG friendly, tell about yourself, no medical qs, no prematch - don't even ask
4) cleveland clinic - 13/yr, 2-3 IMGs, no medical qs, why paeds, long term goals, PD talked about reducing my residency to 2 years because of my experience and try to put me near to hospital if I don't have transportation- I was not sure whether he was serious or tell the same to every body, did not ask for pre match
5)Cleveland metro health - 8/yr, 2-3 IMGS, community programme but very busy especially NICU - FEW MEDICAL Qs - interesting case, most sick neonate I managed, why cleveland, CV, they offer prematches espe. if you have step 3, unfortunately I did not interview with PD and I don't have step 3
Be thorough with the CV, also mention about the family - they like it( all interviews in general)
I sent thank you E mails to all of the programmes
I did not send any letters as I did not have any time and with my step3 coming up
should I send formal letters as well?
I am still confused regarding asking prematches at interviews
I need some advice regarding this please!
I am happy to answer any questions regarding above interviews
Goodluck to all!
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