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to sunshine09 - zbest
can u plz post answer for this Q

You are a 4 yr medical student with a pt who has been in a severe motor vehicle accident. the pt has a subdural hematoma that led to cerebral herniation before it coudl be drained. over the last few days ,the pt has lost all brain stem reflexes nas is now brain dead. i have the closest relationship with the family than anyone on the team. the ventilator is to be removed soon and organ donation is considered.

thanks and these are good ethic Q's
Ans:e. organ donor network

The rules concerning organ donation are quite specific that the medical team taking care of the pt MUST NOT be the ones asking for the donation. This is a conflict of interest. We as physicians must play our role is preserving life.

The organ donor network doing the asking both preserves the ethical integrity of the medical team in the eyes of the family as well as markedly increasing the supply of viable organs available for donation.
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