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Do you have a cat? - kaps
okay ! not sure may be not ,Triple helix sir please explain
hi evryone i just have showman

the ans is d
This patient has the sporotrichoid presentation of Mycobacterium marinum infection, which usually appears as a chronic nodule or ulcer of a digit and is often referred to as a fish tank or swimming pool granuloma. Lesions sometimes extend proximally in a nodular pattern and mimic infection with the fungus Sporothrix schenckii, which typically occurs in gardeners. Systemic spread of either of these pathogens is unlikely in the normal host because M. marinum and S. schenckii do not grow well at body temperature but prefer the lower temperatures of the extremities. Diagnosis is made by biopsy and culture. M. marinum is resistant to isoniazid, and therapy involves prolonged administration of one or more of the following agents: clarithromycin, rifampin, ethambutol, trimethoprim“sulfamethoxazole, a fluoroquinolone, or a tetracycline.

Sex with a new partner is a risk factor for HIV infection, which has been associated with disseminated M. marinum infection but would not directly suggest the cause of this patient's lesions. Cat-scratch disease due to infection with Bartonella henselae may cause regional lymphadenopathy that is often associated with a primary papule at the site of the scratch but would not explain the progression of lesions in this patient. Knowing whether the patient has children is not relevant except as it relates to whether the patient is responsible for cleaning the family's aquarium. Knowing which medications the patient is taking is part of good medical care, but is not relevant for establishing the diagnosis in this patient
i hope dubu u got al ur answers
woof woof
meouw meouw
thanks kaps...your cat is mewing!!!!!
showman is not cat..he is Lion , but some lions mew sometimes.
right triple...specially when they see stronger sweeter opotent and succumb to!!!!!!!!!
ummmmmhhh woof woof bhau bhau ... scatter ... study nowSmile
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