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severely depressed....need help.......... - urswis
my exam is in first week of june..i hv started with my 3 read...i dont know whats been happening i am feeling severly depressed...nd bcz of which i m just not been able to study any more..i need advice what should i do..i sometimes to feel quit all this..
hey! You have got more than 90 days roughtly. so firstly chill....
Now next try this...
Sit down in a comfortable room with a pen and somepaper.
Now with out letting your pen stop once it starts for 15 mins, i want you to write whats bothering you, adn why you arent able to read, andwhat do you think that needs to be done.
dont worry about punctuation, or sentence structure....just write what comes to your head, if it its like ... "i think its stupid, but, what do i have to loose so i am gonna do this .... "
Next go back and read it... You will seee whats been plaging you.
And you will also have your solutions to it....

Fustrations are common.... its part of life..... without them... we would enjoy victory... =)
If u havent taken a break cut looze for a day and get back to it.. If you have all ready feel like you wasted a lot of time... then belive in your self... and as my friend says...
read usmle as if it were another opportunity to learn medicine the home style way. =?).

Lastly thier is this website that churns out good motivation stuff every day. You should readthem.
its called
So relax and go get your 99.
All the best.
thanx alot mdgonnabe.....its been so nice of u thanx alot..
hi my exam in in june too and im soo tired of studying and i do feel the same way u do discourged tired and frustated all of the above but remem this is what u WANT TO one is making u do it sooo and remem why u wanted to be a doc think of what u want and look 4 months out and after ur exam and how well u did and all the done and over with u can move on remem u can do just keep reading!!!!
consider SSRI-not kidding!within 2 weeks you will feel much better and you wil gain back normal perspective of life,depression is adisease and need to be treated,dont blame yourself or feel ashamed-be storng and dont be afraid to seek professional help.i had similiar problems when i was younger and paroxetine literally saved my life,and balanced me.
Dear urswis,
You are not the one who feel like that.Think every hardship has happy ending.Try these sites.These keep me alive.I think it would help you too.
God bless you
Sorry to hear about this. I am kind of a little bit depressed as well, since I only can force myself to study for 1 hour a day and I am delaying my target of test date again and again...

Some pieces of suggestions to you but I know it is harder to do than to speak.

1. I found is very good!

2. Lower your expectation.
Set it as "Pass it" comfortably, not "Ace it" or "beat it". Let's say 80-85. Which is enough, and much better than quitting it.

3. Pick up your confidence - You can pass it comfortably.
Everybody is saying that "it is doable". So the same to you (and to myself...).

4. Stop worrying and start living/studying.
Read 1.
Talk to friends.
Talk to yourself.

5. Every 10 mins counts.
It is so frustrating to me that how little time I can force myself to study although I have strong motivation. And I kept on forgetting what I have learned. It is like that I am dragging myself in a old broken cargon - internal burden. The way seems so long and every day's study seems so ineffective and so on.

But, let's do believe that - Every 10 mins counts. Every 1 question counts. Every knowledge point counts. Every mechanism counts. Pick up these pearls and connect them to become a beautiful necklace. When we accumulate our knowledge, we are like accumulating our wealth, making money, collecting valuable stuff to make us rich inside out.

When I write down these sentence, I am also trying to fight myself out. To talk is easy, but to do is more difficult. Let's encourage each other and make this painful journey a little bit happier.
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