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To Yeabiruh... Biostat... NBME 4 Block 2 Q 17 - drock

The table reports survival of patients who had an operation for a particular form of cancer.

..Number of Patients Number of Patients Percent of Patients the Beginning who Died .....Surviving
Interval .of the Interval During the Interval ....This Interval
0-1 year 300. 115 .62
1-2 year.185 37 80
2-3 years .148 24 84
3-4 years..124 18 85
4-5 years..106 25 76
If a patient survives 2 years after the operation, which of the following is the probability of surviving at least 4 years?
A) .80
B) .85
C) .84 x .85
D) .62 x .80 x .84 x .85
E) .85 - .80

So as this normal surviving period is two years we have to calculate the extended survival time for another 2 years? thatâ„¢s make 2+2 = 4 years?
So we have start calculating after two years of survival after operation and his normal survival length? So that will make the answer choice C as correct???

Because normally 4 years survival will have to count from zero day (first day after operation) to upto 4 years. That makes the correct answer as D.

Will you please clear my doubts and misconception if any? Thank you so much.
hi drock...this is about conditional probablity....i got the concept from Sarim...

here is my understanding

U explained we have to calculate the 4 years survival from the Zero day ....this could be true if this is not a conditional probablity ...What do I mean by that ....

---Let us say the probablity of surviving two years is = B
---Let us say the probablity of surviving at least 4 years is =A

--Now the probablity of surviving at least 4 years (A) GIVEN that the patient survives 2

years (B) IS = number of times A and B occur jointly /number of times B occurs

--to elaborate in conditional probablity ...the denominator is changed from the whole set into

part of a in this example instead of taking the denominator from the Zero day

(number of patients at the beginning ,which is 300) ...we will take the denominator from the

2 year(number of patients at the beginning of 2-3 years interval =148)

--Hence we have our denominator (the lower part of the fraction) = 148 (reduced from the starting 300 ...explained by the death of the patient)....

---so what is our numerator ...the numerator in this case is the number of patients that survived at least 4 years ...and from the data it is 106 (only count those survived ...excluding the dead ones)...

---then the probablity of surviving for at least 4 years GIVEN the patient survived 2 years after operation is = 106/148=0.716216

---or Simply the estimated survival to each interval is computed as the PRODUCT of PROBABLITIES OF surviving each preceding interval (1- probablity of DYING)

using the above principle

probablity of surviving at least 4 years given the patient survives 2 years = u take the PRODUCT of the probablities between the second row and the 5 th row ...which is 0.85 * 0.84 =0.714

for example if they ask what is the probablity of surviving at least 4 years with out saying after the patient survived 2 years of the operation ...ur method of calculating is the right one..which is D

number of patients that survived at least 4 years =106
number of patients at the beginning of the operation= 300

probablity of patients surviving at least 4 years = 106/300=0.35(which is the same as D )
Hi Yeabiruh thank you so much from my heart. Awesome explanation. Now it make sense to me. Thanks again.
guys answer is DDD..

this is a epidemiology question in my MPH program..
@ anonyme can you please give your explanation of your answer? thank you Smile
have anyone guys read the practice q in kaplan biostats? here it is:

If the chance of surviving for 1 year after being diagnosed with prostate cancer is 80%, and the chance of surviving for 2 years is 60%, what is the chance of surviving for 2 years after the diagnosis, given that the patient is alive at the end of the first year?
A) 20%
B) 48%
C) 60%
D) 75%
E) 80%

the last statement: given that the pt is alive at the end of the first year, isnt the same as saying: what is the chance of surviging for 2 yrs given the the pt survived the first year??

the answer that is give for the q is: 60/80 = 75%
Conditional Probability:....Freaking biostates

lets try this... If given that the pt survived say like 1 yr( or 2 yrs etc.) and asking for probability of surviving certain # of yrs (e.g 2 yrs or 3 yrs etc.).

and the data is given in one of these two ways:


0--1 yr = 80 %
0--2 yr = 60 %
0--3 yr = 40 %
0--4 yr = 20 %

say like if pt survived 1 yr what would be the probability--?(in this case u DIVIDE probabi)

(prob.of yr u want to know) DIVIDE by (prob.of # yr pt already survived e.g. 1 yr)

probability of surviving 2 yrs.......60/80 =75%
probability of surviving 3 yrs.......40/80 =50%
probability of surviving 4 yrs.......20/80 =25%

if the pt survived say like 2 yrs and probability of surviving 4 yrs?
20/60 =33 %


0--1 yr = 80%
1--2 yr = 60%
2--3 yr = 40%
3--4 yr = 20%

say like if pt survived 1 yr ,what would be the probability? (in this case MULTIPLY probabil.)
Note: Multiply probabilities in between(SKIPPING the survived yr probability in this case 80%)

probability of surviving 3 yrs = 60 times 40
probability of surviving 4 yrs = 60 times 40 times 20

If asked probability of surviving straight say like 4 yrs(from the day one without condition of already survived certain # of yr) = multiply all probabilities 80 times 60 times 40 times 20

NOw in NBME 3 bloc 2, 16 answer is D
0.875 times 0.9 times 0.9

B- would have been the answer if asked straight 4 yr survival
C- is the probability of surviving 3 yrs once the pt already survived for 1 yr

IN NBME 4 bloc 2, 17 answer is C .Pt already survive 2 yrs so skip the 62 and 80 and now asking survival for AT LEAST 4 yrs(not the 5 yrs) so multiply the probabilities in between
0.84 times 0.85

D- straight survival for 4 yrs (without any condition of already survived # of yr)
hmm... interesting... thx sarim...
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