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NBME 3 experience - myr4e
Hi everyone!

I'm an IMG, preparing for step 1 on and off. My exam is set for November 29th. Can't push it back anymore. Yesterday I decided to take NBME 3 timed, I got a 200 (3 digit score of 150). I can't begin to explain the discouraged I felt yesterday, It was as like I didn't want to continue. Luckily I had so much support from my husband. So today I decided to take the NBME 3 again but this time not timed.....and the result was the exact same thing!!!! yes 200!!!! So if I can conclude something is you know what you know, timming has very little to do with the outcome. I felt NBME 3 was difficult, thus I am very weak in BQ, Neuro and Pharm.....I did very poorly on those subjects. I feel that if I can prepare well thos subjects my score will increase dramatically. I just hope I have enough time to do so....45 days.

As for my prep I do Usmle World and score in the 40's and Usmlerx and score in the 50's....

I would really appreciate some insight from everyone else....advice also!


I plan to take another NBME on Oct 31. Not sure which one though.
hi i would recomend u do uw many times and FA
what about my NBME score is it a cause for panic?
FOR GET ABOUT PASTENSE, what ever happend

now u should develop courage , boldness, strength i can do with GODS help. keep this in mind.( i will always remember like this JESUS is my strength).
hope this helps u
please anyone else with opinions?
I have got a similar problem thou. I think problem is with understanding of concepts and applying them. I did NBME multiple times and got low score and they are very close range. I think nothing helps except reading and reading. I decided not to take any assessment and study as hard as possible and go to exam since I can't postpone it anymore.
Sure u are discouraged and that to me sounds like motivation to turn things around.

Remember being discouraged will not solve the problem but truly acknowledging and taking corrective measures is the way forward.

Admit u didn't do well, study and see if u are improving, and sure u will, that is the essence of studying. We all study cos we know we do not know all, working constantly to be better.

I truly believe failure isn't and will never be a problem unless u bow to it.

Take courage, drop discouraged and pick ur study materials and move on one more time.

Success, and do hope to get positive feedback from u next time...
Thanks you all for the words of encouragement!
I will continue to work hard and hope for the best!

hi myr4e,
mine condition was similar like u before 1 mtnh, bt nw i m improving,
can say u that revise again and again, get the hard topics very well, kep continuing u will get improvement definately.
45 days r much enough , u can definately do it .
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