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nbme-6 - cerebellum
#6, Ans in simple words. IN THE OPTIONS MENTIONED, IVC IS CLAMPED DISTAL TO ALL THE STRUCTURES EXCEPT EXTERNAL ILIAC VEIN. So the pressure in the other 4 options should fall.
34 A 35-year-old woman has a 1-day history of fever, cough, and right-sided chest pain. Her cough is productive of rust-colored sputum She has dullness at the posterior right lower lung, and there are increased breath sounds over the same area Vital signs are Temperature 39.1 °C(102.3°F) Pulse 108/min Respirations 24/mm Blood pressure 110/80 mm Hg Which of the following additional findings indicates a consolidative process in the posterior lower right lung?
A) Decreased tactile fremitus
B) Decreased vocal fremitus
D) Tracheal shift to the nght



A married 78-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after ingesting ten 15-mg temazepam tablets After he is stabilized medically, he undergoes psychiatric evaluation Which of the following is most important in assessing his risk for suicide?
A) Early morning awakening with decreased appetite
B) Family history of suicide
C) Male gender
D) Marital status
E) Patient™s belief that temazepam wouldkill him
welcome anyone who paste NBME-6 question to here. Thanks
23. A 4-year-old boy is brought to the physician by his parents because of global developmental delays and odd behaviors such as hand flapping. His mother has a learning disability, and his maternal uncle has mental retardation. Physical examination shows macrocephaly, large ears, and a prominent chin He has a 3-word vocabulary. A diagnosis of fragile X syndrome is made .After the parents are informed of the results, they ask if their healthy 12-year-old daughter, who has met all developmental milestones, should be tested to determine her carrier status. Which of the following responses by the physician is most appropriate9
A) I recommend testing her now so that she can be prepared for what may lie ahead if she has children.
B) I recommend waiting until she is older and mature enough to decide for herself if she would like to be tested
C) it would be better if she were at least 16 years of age, closer to her childbearing years, before testing was initiated
D) œLet™s discuss the situation with her,review the pros and cons of testing, and then ask her if she would like to be tested now.
E) œLet™s hold off on that and discuss the options with her when she is planning to marry and have children


A 4-year-old boy is brought to the physician by his parents because of global developmental delays and odd behaviors such as hand flapping. His mother has a learning disability, and his maternal uncle has mental retardation. Physical examination shows macrocephaly, large ears, and a prominent chin He has a 3-word vocabulary. A diagnosis of fragile X syndrome is made .After the parents are informed of the results, they ask if their healthy 12-year-old daughter, who has met all developmental milestones, should be tested to determine her carrier status. Which of the following responses by the physician is most appropriate9
A) I recommend testing her now so that she can be prepared for what may lie ahead if she has children.
B) I recommend waiting until she is older and mature enough to decide for herself if she would like to be tested
C) it would be better if she were at least 16 years of age, closer to her childbearing years, before testing was initiated
D) œLet™s discuss the situation with her,review the pros and cons of testing, and then ask her if she would like to be tested now.
E) œLet™s hold off on that and discuss the options with her when she is planning to marry and have children

I picked c for #9 thinking male gender was the number #1 risk factor...does anyone else think e is the correct answer
answer C?
5- C
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