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I need your help, pleassssssssse!!!!!! - tiredimg
I agree with vali, did you confirm program's requirement especially cutoff yr of graduation with PD/PC, that is very important. I am in same boat(no USLOR,old graduate 12yr, no USCE). applied 12 IM in late sep, 2 intws and 2 rejs. I am still freaked out by non-USLORs since those 2 intws came from two crappy programs. I'll tell u more if I got more intws later. best of luck
Hi djiang

I did, infact I sent emails for them and applied based on that.
Dear Friends

Did you get anything yet?me nothing yet!!!!!!!!!!
Rejection, rejection and more rejections.
Why we left our countries for US while it is impossible to get through. Is it just this year or it was always like this???
Oh, my god!!!!!!!
tired img, cheer up. I have 85/84, calls yet --i think calls will come soon...there are many of us in the same boat and u have decent scores.
Can any body tell me where i stand with scores of 91,88 want to apply for surgery?please help me decide
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