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Documents to be taken to ivs?? - killstep3
Tet; I can see that you continue to confuse others with incorrect info (as you did with me with molecular biology Qs for Fairvew IV).
Anyway, it is going to be left on your conscience...I moved on.

Kill step3; you should contact PC if you have any Qs. Even though we gave everything to ERAS, sometimes they need some doc from us (I am not saying LORs though). It is especially true if program offers PMs.
PC told me to bring my original ECFMG cert. and my USMLE scores to my IV in case if I will match with them.
Good luck!
you can go and read the program website, certain programs ask you to bring some docuuments to the IV example Howard M residency IV ,they ask for 2 photos and you ECFMG certificate and Green card copy... to put this in your file
another program like in Tenessee they ask you to fill certain paper works to keep those for the records in case they need to call you back for post match position scramle if you did not get match it will be easier for them to have your info accessible
so check what each program required
but in general i dont think you need to go with all letter of recommendation i think a copy of CV is enough just to show that you are a well prepared person
Thank you everyone.. i ll balance the suggestions and take some important docs with me!
@natia06 You are soooo confused that you can't understand a simple joke. If you consider a joke as an incorrect info, then I am sorry that I can't help you Smile)) Anyways, you can take your entire archive with you to fairview and be well prepared to answer Mol. Biology questions about sea mammals. I have an interview there too, hopefully we'll meet there.

What are the rules?

Someone asks a simple question and, doctor or no doctor, I offer some advise. It's not rocket science... it's an interview. KEYWORD: Interview.

At an interview in the regular world you bring a variety of documents in the event something is missing.

Granted, everything the PD may need was culled from your ERAS process... but we all know that process is far from perfect (read a few posts on this forum). I was merely suggesting that it might behoove the candidate to bring any and all documentation to the interview.

"Be Prepared". You're telling me you've never heard that Boy Scout motto? Even I raised my children to repeat that mantra in their daily lives.

Nastia06 seems to be the only one floating the right boat.

Best wishes to all candidates!
jamespshelley sir, the keyword here is "Residency Interview". You have NEVER experienced one nor have you even observed one. So please do not comment on what you do not know and mislead others!

If the question was about personal statements etc then absolutely, you are the subject matter expert.

Instead, your use of folksy statements like "boy's scout motto...." is very reminiscent of similar phrases a certain ex-alaska governor used when trying to talk about issues without any real knowledge of them!

Granted, never have I experienced or observed an interview. However, I have communicated with many IMGs and otherwise who have shared with me their interview experiences. One of the resounding comments I have heard is that they wished they had brought with them to their interviews copies of the documents they submitted via ERAS, and documents not otherwise requested by ERAS. To that end, my recommendation was based solely upon their experiences.

Thank you for your kind comment about personal statements.

I referenced the Boy Scout motto because I was a Boy Scout. Furthermore, Boy Scout should be capitalized because: 1. It is a noun, and; 2. It is an organization.

Please note: I have great respect for doctors. That includes you. Lets not eff that up with a p issing match, OK?
jamespshelley sir, please quit pulling things out of your rear end as arguments!

yes my posts are riddled with gramatical and spelling errors, at least i do not claim to be what i am not.

i have NO RESPECT for your ability to coach medical doctors for MEDICAL interviews...... on the other hand Dr Brian - yes absolutely - he's in the game and so can coach the game.

Stick to what you know and do best - that is personal statements. Leave the rest to us doctors (with such poor grammer etc) to figure out.

Muchos Gracias Amigo!
nastia06, can you please tell more about Fairview interview, how do they do their interviews?
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