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nbme form 4 Q39... isn't it lactose intoleranc - jedimaster
a 15 month old girl is brought to the physician because of a 3 month history of poor weight gain and foul-smelling, greasy, loose stools. She was hospitalized for bacterial pneumonia at the age of 1 tear. Her diet consists of cow's milk and table food. She is at the 25th percentile for length and 10th percentile for weight.
Hct 32%
leukocyte count 11,100
seg 55%
lympho 40%
mono 5%
plt 325,000

Na 140
Cl 100
K 3.8
Hco3 22
BUN 10
glucose 80
Cr 0.4
Total protein 6
albumin 3.6

72-hour fecal fat 1.8g/24h (N
Where are the options
Q is 'which os the following is the most likely underlying mechanism for this patient's poor weight gain?'

a. absence of bowel wall ganglion cells
b. absence of small bowel villi
c. bowel ischemia
d. decrerased bilirubin conjugation
e. decreased pancreatic enzyme secretion
f. dilation of intestinal lymphtic vessels
g. hypertrophy of pyloric sphincter
h. increeased cilirunin production
i. increased bowel motility
j. osmotic diarrhea
k. secretory diarrhea

EE- Cystic fibrosis?
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