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Shankar Patel - usmlecubed
RE Shankar Patel

See a pattern here?-this guy/girl is Dr Shankar Patel who in the past believed that he was writing to Dr Sanjay Gupta of CNN and Barack Obama! (is this DSM IV criteria for delusional schizophrenia or what? cf to my post below; Same names same people replying? PANSS level 6 schizophrenia??????; you be the judge! poor blithering low IQ idiot used the same name in conversations with himself? and then calls the high IQ MDs (of programs with A+ Better Business Bureau rankings and no public legal filings against them in their history) fools as the names and places (Sanjay Gupta MD of CNN is out to get him! see below) indicate seriously delusional actions that make one not actulaly fearful of him or her ---------but more like PLEASE COMMIT yourself as you are a menace to society? Why are you -PASS PGM Lackey and *sswipe even here?
The infamous scammer (google Sanjay Gupta )
satyayit_k_md - 06/04/12 01:09

is at it again. Scamming people with different ids: sami2004…all stolen from ...


Sanjay Gupta MD is a CNN host- YOU are Fraud you m
satyajit_k_md - 04/18/11 01:09

Sanjay Gupta MD is a CNN host- YOU are Fraud you moron!

You better try Kaplan or Pass program to help you put down great INDIAN doctors- he is a neurosurgeon- what are you - a USMLE Failure! You white people are jealous of us!

A letter to Mr. Barack Obama and Dr. Sanjay Gupta
drshankarpatel - 02/06/09 17:19

Respected Sirs,

I am writing on behalf of thousands of international medical graduates (IMGs) who try to get into a residency program in US for PG training. Every year more than 10,000 IMGs apply to residency programs thru the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP). It is a long and cumbersome process. After spending thousands of dollars to clear 3 very difficult examinations, the IMGs must apply to many different programs all over the US. In order to get into a residency slot, one has to appear in multiple interviews at diff locations. This is a time-consuming effort involving tremendous monetary expenses. After going through the whole exercise if interviewing, the IMGs find out in the match (in March) whether they were accepted at one of the residency programs they interviewed. However, more than 60% of the IMGs dont 'match' every year.. meaning that thousands of doctors who come from other countries and have spend their invaluable time, effort, money on the process actually fail to get into a residency program. There is a lot of nepotism in the process as well. The program is usually run by a Program Director who can individually invite people as per his or her liking and favor certain people with connections. Thus there is a severe lack of merit in the residency recruting process. Even after an IMG is hired he has to work on visas which ar not very conducive to his/her future growth and eventually s/he focuses on elaborating his/her stay in US by different means such as finding a bride/groom with US citizenship for marriage, working in rural and despicable areas basically where no one wants to go.

To actually change this bogus system I propose a system whereby US residency programs allow a certain number of IMGs as Post-graduate trainee fellows who depending on the speciality nd their experience stay in US and do their training and then required to go back to their home country. That way they can obtain US residency training and enhance their status as a specialist and they wont become a burden on US healthcare system. My proposed idea is:

1. If IMG has completed residency in his/her home country, then s/he can do 2 additional years of training (PGY2 and PGY3) in US and appear for respective speciality boards. After obtaining speciality boards the candidate can stay for an additional year of fellowship and after that go back to his/her home country. A specialy visa be created for these doctors which is a returning visa.

2. If IMG has not completed residency in his/her home country, then the process remains same as now. However everyone who matches gets a H1 visa and there is no requirement for a J1 visa.

3. NRMP should be restricted to american medical graduates only. All IMGs should have their separate match and they be designated trainees.

I feel that after following above steps, a lots of hospitals would like to hire the #1 category above on less pay but as trainess. If given a chance, i would be happy to pursue doing #1 rather than working at a Gas station, driving taxicab, selling newspaper, working as a nurse or physician assistant. That way the dignity of a doctor will be saved alongwith his/her dream of becoming a qualified specialist physician.

If you have any questions, I would be happy to get in touch with you. I would appreciate your interest.

Thank you

Dr. Shankar M. Patel, M.D.

Re:eye popping exchange on forum
laurajames346 - 04/02/12 07:35

Thanks for keeping the general public informed about this deceitful biz. I was about to sign up but will instead go for a different program. Maybe South.
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* Re:eye popping exchange on forum
lisa_doc - 06/21/12 11:38

i have a simple question, is dr shaun US med licensed? i know about the delhi qualification, but just need a straightforward answer about the US
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* Re:eye popping exchange on forum
sami2012 - 06/22/12 12:38
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