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@boardreview - shigatox22
@board review thanks

how come you started residency june 12th?

also from when your final marks came in how long did it take the school to send the diploma?

they told me i can pick it up from the IL office to speed up the process have you done this?

did u know any way i can speed the process of ecfmg veryifing creds with the school? should i call them evereyday and inquire? thanks
@boardreview.....thank you for digging that up.....i never knew i could dig up old posts but if you dig deeper, you will see where I posted recently that i rejected a prematch;

I'm sure (100% guaranteed) to match in a much more prestigious program just less than 6miles from my current residence because I have a secured connection. dont bother asking me the name.

as per calling you are fag....thats what you are and all fags are pigs and deserve to be lynched. you are a disgrace to manhood.....go kill yourself and stop claiming what you are not

@shigatox.sorry for desecrating your thread but this son of a thousand fathers needs to be reminded of where he belongs.
the schools take 2 weeks to send the diploma, if you can go and get it do it.
The best way to speed the process is to make sure you fedex approve your credential verification.

I started 12th since we have orientation and some residents are allowed to cover for other resident that start before July 1st.
thanks boardreview

what do you mean fedex approve cred verification
how do i fedex approve my credential verification? is this something i tell the school to do?

thanks again
get the school to send your stuff with fedex to ECFMG
thanks dude
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