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Can some1 explain Prelim postions - wolverine99
everything that one should know about prelim
prelim is good if you don't have anything else, like a backup plan. It's easier to get into as well so I suggest you apply for it, but that doesn't guarantee you get a spot there later on another match. But at least is better than nothing.
will it make it harder to get a spot next year? thx for the reply
No it will make it easier

You will build connections and have a year of usce under your belt
thx for the advice
i agree with all of the above except i dont believe its easier to get in. people who do prelim are usually AMG that are looking to specialize so its still very competitive, arguably more competitive than categorical position since you are competing against AMGs who will specialize in radiation oncology, etc. just my opinion. dont know if there are stats on that
but if you have one year of usce in desired specialty, and then get better lors for next year, wouldn't it make it easier to land a categorical residency for 2016???

@defeatthebeast sorry i should have clarified. I dont believe its easier to get into PRELIM . i think prelim is more challenging to even get accepted into..... having prelim will definitely help for a categorical residency in 2016 and even opens doors for more specialization if you wanted.
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