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kaplan step 3 live prep? - step32kill
Has anyone taken this course or signed up for the coming live prep in chicago?

any thoughts?

Firm’s Motto (Policy That has Been in Place Since 2000; Created by a GENIUS-Ivy League
Graduate ): “IF YOU DO NOT PASS, YOU DO NOT PAY…” (a Skeletal Content Outline is Presented Below):

General USMLE MCQ-Based Preparatory Skills Developmental Thirty-Day Mini-Course
(General Course)

Immediate Step’s Essentials’ Content Fourteen Day Crash Course, and Full-Length USMLE
Diagnostic to Establish Baseline Status (First “Comprehensive USMLE-type Exam”)

Subject Content Specific to the Current USMLE Step (Clinical Correlations are Inter-
Disciplinary in Nature, and Thus Stressed Across all USMLE Steps Subject Content Materials)

Example (May be Radically Altered to Meet the Needs of the Student’s Personal Clinical
Rotational or Work Schedule) of a Typical Week’s Schedule (24-7 Access to the Lesson-Materials (all have Components That Include Outline Overview, Theoretical Keys, Example Presentation, Exercise Review Questions) in the “Cloud;” All Talks are Then Recorded as “Cloud-Podcasts,” for Student’s Later Access and Review in the Cloud as Well):

• Student studies Lesson-Materials: Two hours per day, Monday through Friday

• Talk (telephonically with personal MD-instructor): Forty-five minutes per day,
Monday, Wednesday & Friday

• Student presents and deposits detailed Lesson-Materials Written Initial Work-up, with
outcomes in handwritten, diagrammatic pdf into the “Cloud,” Thursday

• At Talk, Student presents an outlined Lesson-Materials Verbal Initial Work-up, with
outcomes: Fifteen minutes, Friday:

 Instructor discusses errors, provides corrections, and grades in the
o Lesson-Materials Written Initial Work-up and the
o Lesson-Materials Verbal Initial Work-up

• Student studies and creates a Lesson-Materials Verbal Final Work-up, Two Hours,
Monday, through a detailed study of

 Errors, corrections and grades in the
o Lesson-Materials Written Initial Work-up and the
o Lesson-Materials Verbal Initial Work-up

• At Talk, Student presents the outlined Lesson-Materials Verbal Final Work-up, with
outcomes: thirty minutes Monday:
Example (May be Radically Altered to Meet the Needs of the Student’s Personal Clinical
Rotational or Work Schedule) of a Typical Semester’s Schedule

• Student completes in Long-Term- Memory ~Seventy-Five-Pages of Already-Made
Notes for each Subject: in twenty hours, and then finishes Comprehensive Subject Test in thirteen hours

 Correlations to real USMLE score projections (for that Subject test) are made based on these results as compared to past students from the same USMLE course for that subject

• Student completes Comprehensive USMLE-type Exams, after fourth, fifth and final Comprehensive Subject Tests

 Correlations to real USMLE score projections are made based on these results as compared to past students from the same USMLE course for that step

• Student contacts us telephonically: 24-7, at phone number six four one, seven one five, thirty nine hundred, extension six four nine, four six one

 Thirteen thousand, seven hundred and fifty dollars per step, BUT:

o Financing is available
o Major early bird registration (before June 30) discounts are available
o Referral rebates are available
o And of course, last but not least: “IF YOU DO NOT PASS, YOU DO NOT PAY…”

• At the First Talk, we present an Outlined Overview of the Course, similar to that as
just described, as well as a Comprehensive IMG Diagnostic Questionnaire and Registration Packet is sent to the Student’s Personalized Cloud System (and Cloud Podcast system as well), for sixty minutes on May 1, for example, but the registration sequence is still standardized and again very similar to the above examples given for Lesson-Materials; thus

Example Sequence for the Comprehensive IMG Diagnostic Questionnaire Packet
• Student studies Comprehensive IMG Diagnostic Questionnaire Packet: Two hours per day, Monday through Friday

• Talk (telephonically with personal MD-instructor): Forty-five minutes per day,
Monday, Wednesday & Friday

• Student presents and deposits detailed Comprehensive IMG Diagnostic Questionnaire
Written Initial Work-up, with outcomes in handwritten, diagrammatic pdf into the “Cloud,” Thursday

• At Talk, Student presents an outlined Comprehensive IMG Diagnostic Questionnaire
Written Initial Work-up, with outcomes: Fifteen minutes, Friday:

 Instructor discusses errors, provides corrections, and grades in the
o Comprehensive IMG Diagnostic Questionnaire Written Initial Work-up and the
o Comprehensive IMG Diagnostic Questionnaire Verbal Initial Work-up

• Student studies and creates a Comprehensive IMG Diagnostic Questionnaire Verbal
Final Work-up, Two Hours, Monday, through a detailed study of

 Errors, corrections and grades in the
o Comprehensive IMG Diagnostic Questionnaire Written Initial Work-up and the
o Comprehensive IMG Diagnostic Questionnaire Verbal Initial Work-up

• At Talk, Student presents the outlined Comprehensive IMG Diagnostic Questionnaire
Final Work-up, with outcomes: thirty minutes Monday:

 Instructor discusses errors, provides corrections, and grades in the
o Lesson-Materials Written Initial Work-up and the
o Lesson-Materials Verbal Initial Work-up

Example Sequence for the Registration Packet, Beginning Monday, May 8, in this Same
• Student studies Registration Packet: Two hours per day, Monday through Friday

• Talk (telephonically with personal MD-instructor): Forty-five minutes per day,
Monday, Wednesday & Friday

• Student presents and deposits detailed Registration
Written Initial Work-up, with outcomes in handwritten, diagrammatic pdf into the “Cloud,” Thursday

• At Talk, Student presents an outlined Registration
Written Initial Work-up, with outcomes: Fifteen minutes, Friday:

 Instructor discusses errors, provides corrections, and grades in the
o Registration Written Initial Work-up and the
o Registration Verbal Initial Work-up

• Student studies and creates a Registration Verbal
Final Work-up, Two Hours, Monday, through a detailed study of

 Errors, corrections and grades in the
o Registration Written Initial Work-up and the
o Registration Verbal Initial Work-up

• At Talk, Student presents the outlined Registration
Final Work-up, with outcomes: thirty minutes Monday:
 Student then completes the Registration itself
thx as well

(A unique USMLE program that employs a composite cutting edge Online-Cloud,-cum-Telephone-Based Communication delivery platform between the student and the instructor)


Our founder, in addition to being a Yale University alum, and having an MD, also has advanced graduate degrees in two other basic medical sciences, namely behavioral science, epidemiology and biostatistics. His other graduate degrees are in health administration and finance.

Aside from clinical training acquired at the University of Pittsburgh, Case Western Reserve University, Yale University and New York University Schools of Medicine -affiliated hospitals, he has research experience, similarly acquired at Case Western Reserve University (under the part-time tutelage of the Nobel Laureate, Frederick Robbins), Yale University (under the tutelage of a professor and former student of the Nobel Laureate, Amartya Sen) and New York University Schools of Medicine.

Aside from his experience teaching the USMLE to international medical graduates (IMGs) since 2000, he has various other achievement test proficiencies to his credit, as established in a Medical College Admissions test top rank, and a Graduate Record Examination in Psychology, Subject test (GRE-Psychology) top rank. His other test proficiencies with similar 80th-97th percentile ranks are in aptitude tests ranging from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE-General), and the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) to the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT).

Proposal for Diagnosis of the Student's Current USMLE -Exam Taking Status (Research Study-Type Protocol, Developed Individually for Each Student)

Our Founder

Recognizes that IMGs, although perhaps having similar professional and graduate degree-level academic education, along with high-quality clinical training, simply do not have the experience with USMLE-type multiple choice questions that is required for a successful first-time passage of their respective examinations.

He has thus developed these Specific Aims related to providing IMGs with this relevant experience:

Specific aim. Diagnose the IMG's past historical status in terms of the format of questions used in assessment of their medical degree.

Specific aim. Diagnose all aspects of the steps leading to any prior attempts at the USMLE, namely

Study material used, in general.

Types of study notes created from this material

Method of review of the study notes created from this material.

The type of memory applied to the method of review of the study notes

Study material used, in terms of productivity, at an individual subject level.

Understanding the number of USMLE questions to be asked per subject, and similarly, per system.

Superficially scanning the study notes to assess the number of facts to be learned per system, within a subject.

Determining the system's productivity, based on the number of USMLE questions to be asked per system, vs the number of facts to be learned for that system.

Ranking those systems in terms of productivity, from most to least productive, and studying accordingly.

Multiple choice question approach used, in general.

Correlating the type of study notes made, and the type of memory used in the review of the study notes, to the type of recognition of correct associations that are found in the body as correlated to the five answer choices for that multiple choice question.

Multiple choice question approach used, in terms of body, five answer choice analyses, followed by trial-and-error to deductively reach the correct answer choice.

Type of approach used to analyze the main body of the question.

Type of approach used to analyze the five answer choices available for this question.

Type of approach to return to the body, and through a trial-and-error process, once again view the five answers, so as to ultimately, through deduction, arrive at the correct answer choice.

A valid and accurate global assessment of actual status in terms of being ready to take the USMLE.

Type of multiple choice question sets used, being closest, in nature, to that of the real USMLE administration.

Score comparisons to other students that should be valid and accurate predictors of one's own USMLE outcome.

Specific aim. Correlatively MANAGE the student, based on the prior diagnosis of all aspects of the steps leading to any prior attempts at the USMLE.

For particulars of the subject study material.

Contact Us

?Request for Information

Tel. 641.715.3900 Extension 649461


Location. Long Island Office, New York


Core Principles

We recognize that the "singly-attempted , passed-USMLE," for most IMGs is a US medical residency directors' single most important criterion related to the screening for interview selection of prospective ERAS applicants. Once the candidate has passed the USMLE-based screening, the letters of recommendation from US Clinical Experience, and a flawless personal statement are of equal weight in selection.

We will aid the student, in all three processes, with a preliminary focus on the USMLE to commence our program.

We have thus developed these Specific Aims related to the latter:

Specific Aim. Diagnose the student's current USMLE-exam taking status.

Specific Aim. Correlatively MANAGE the student, by providing a specific protocol for success in the USMLE, namely

Create a composite cutting edge Online-Cloud,-cum-Telephone-based communication delivery platform between the student and the instructor.
Create a system of standardized scheduling for the student to complete his or her assignments.
Provide a sample lesson, in this case approach to multiple choice questions.
Provide the approach to registration for this unique, IF YOU DO NOT PASS,YOU DO NOT PAY, course, namely

Creation of a $13,750, FULLY REFUNDABLE- escrow account for the entire tuition of a single USMLE step for one student.
Creation of a $195 PARTIALLY REFUNDABLE expenses account to account for accrued expenses by the student during the course of the semester.

Provide the approach to special cases in order to faciliate registration for this and future USMLE steps to be attempted by said student, namely

The provision of a $2000 referral rebate option, valid for each and every successfully passed USMLE step, taken by a referred student

The provision of a $1500 "Early Bird Discount," due to expire June 30, 2015.

Finally, for qualified applicants, the availability of various financing options that allow for the provision of a down payment, followed by monthly loan repayments due to commence, after the student's USMLE score of passage is received.

Our USMLE course has been in business for fourteen years, because of these five major reasons: You may study from home. You study on your schedule. You receive live instruction daily, although for the majority of the time allotted, you actually, very actively, present your own "lesson work-ups.."live to your personal MD instructor. Your general course program was created by a Brilliant, Ingenious IVY leaguer, possessing not only an MD, but four other graduate degrees, along with years of clinical and outcomes’ research experience; but we will nevertheless still tailor the course, so as to meet to YOUR specific needs, and not thereby deal with a large classroom of sixty to one hundred other individuals. Finally, of maximal importance to you: “If You Do Not Pass, You Do Not Pay…PERIOD…”

Call us anytime, at six four one seven one five thirty nine hundred, extension six four nine, four six one, for more information (note that the tuition is thirteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars per USMLE step, with a twelve per cent "early bird" discount before the end of June).
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