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ethics - forumfriends
A competent 28 year-old patient who is 38
weeks' pregnant reuses to have a cesarean delivery
despite the fact that without the surgery
the fetus will probably die. Both her physician
and a consultation-liaison psychiatrist have
failed to convince her to have the surgery. The
most appropriate action for her physician to
take at this time is to
(A) get permission from the patient's husband
to do the surgery
(B) ask a judge to issue a court order to do the
© tell the patient that she can be criminally
prosecuted if the child dies
(D) deliver the child vaginally
yes d
Competent pregnant women, like all competent adults, can refuse medical treatment, even if the fetus will die as a result.
A 30-year-old man and his 10-year-old son
are injured in a train crash. Both of them need
surgery within the next 12 hours. The father is
clearly mentally competent but refuses the
surgery for both himself and his son. The
physician should
(A) get a court order for the surgery on the
child but do not operate on the father
(B) get a court order for the surgery fe - both
the father and child
© get permission for the surgery for both the
father and child from the mother
(D) have the father moved to another hospital
(E) follow the father's wishes and do not operate
on either the father or the son

here father can't withhold life saving surgery.
if immediate emegency go for surgery,otherwise get a court order for the child.
so is it A ....but both conrad and mayo says dont usually pick the answer on exam which asks to go to court ...
but the other choices either doesnot fit ...father is competent so he can refuse the surgery thats ok however the child should be treated in emergencies even if parents dont agree ..
so i think it sud be A only ....
yes ur right but as we have 12 hr(not immediate emergency) we can take court permission.
you read this rule from kaplan(parents can't withhold life or lomb saving treatment from their children).they have mentioned it.even in BRS also.
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