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Residency Program - panongghot
Hi all I recently interviewed with UAB Huntsville IM Residency?
Any one also did share their experiences?

I have heard it has a lot of nepotism and the residents are constantly violating duty hours and and the teaching is close to mediocre to none ? Also I have heard they have plans of holding the passports and not let residents go back on vacation to home countries as majority of residents have had visa issues and got held back in the home countries for prolonged periods of time. Have any one else heard all these or is this only me.

Also heard they have had a resident drop out every academic year from the inception citing alcohol and psychiatric issues Guess with few interviews as IMGs we would not have a lot of options when dealing with such things even if true or false.
I heard some thing similar but may be it is all rumors. Yes I have heard there are a couple of junior faculty who have their own better halves also interviewing in the program. Now I think it would be violating freedom if a program would not let people to travel wherever they want to in case of vacation and getting held back in the home country when visa issues arise is definitely not some thing any one can predict. I know how horrid that experience of some one holding on to the passport or not letting them go back to the home country having experienced it when working in middle east.

Well definitely heard that their only real teaching staff Dr Centor is retiring some time soon !

Well if you are an IMG again any program is heaven even if in reality it is hell working in there.
How they can even hold the residents' passports in the first place? Is that even legal? I don't understand this stupidity. Passports should always be with the people they belong to.
I agree better halves should not be accepted in the program until unless they are eligible.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.
One thing I observed during the morning rounds and during the morning report was that the teaching was all oriented towards the medical students and nothing was directed towards the interns or the senior residents. Well it was all USMLE CK stuff they were discussing during morning report and during rounds. Did not see how their didactics was, but definitely for sure there was no protected teaching time whatsoever for the residents.
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