04-11-2006, 06:32 PM
ML causal organism in a previously healthy, nonsmoking middle age New Yorker with intermittent knee pain and swellings for 3 months, no medications nor illicit drug use who is a landscaper and SA only with his GF for 2 yrs and uses condoms consistently, drinks 1 to 2 beers each weeks, has temp 37, BP120/80, P80, leukocyte count 6000 (80% seg. Neu and 20% lym) and lab shows neither crystals nor organisms via gram stain?
1. Parvovirus
2. Staph. Aureus
3. Strep. Pneumoniae
4. Treponema pallidum
5. N. G.
6. Borrelia burgdorferi
1. Parvovirus
2. Staph. Aureus
3. Strep. Pneumoniae
4. Treponema pallidum
5. N. G.
6. Borrelia burgdorferi