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You are a harebrain satyayit! - sammy_parikh
You are a harebrain satyayit!

You are claiming that the $14 k course does not exist with no website no phone number and no guarantee. You are an idiot! It has a great record with the Better Business Bureau you ridiculous sociopath. You have no chance for residency so why are you here! You probably failed the USMLE 5 times and are just BSing everyone that needs a course to succeed in an exam that is insanely tough...

Why do you not seek treatment for your "antisocial personality disorder?" as you probably do not know what it is well-with your repeat fails- you can Google it- since you clearly never learned it from your USMLE prep (which is something that I did learn from that 14k course available at renu_usmle for more information).

I would recommend ECT but you are beyond that in some type of psychotic rage against humanity and courses run by geniuses with IQs that are triple your IQ of 47 (is someone helping you to type as you are barely functioning intellectually?
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