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Diagnosis please - ritu2006
24 y F, intermittent bloody diarrhea for 1 month. The episodes occur 4 to 6 times daily and are accompanied by tenesmus, fecal urgency and cramping of the lower abd that is relieved by defecation. She has lost 3lb since the onset. Vital: 99.6F, 94/min, 98/60mmHg. PE: chest and abd normal. colonscopy shows edematous, friable, eroded mucosa with adherent mucopurulent material. Involvement is limited to the rectum. Result of stool culture is negtive. Before the biopsy results of rectum tissue is back, which should be given first:
a) iv methylprednisolone
b) oral olsalazine
c) oral sulfasalazine
d) rectal mesalamine
e) topical hydrocortisone
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