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Thanks Kobe - inspiron6000d
Hey Kobe,

Thanks for the reply. I plan to take Step 2 in early Nov. I applied to 130 IM and 20+ FP programs. Which programs did u get interviews from? Also please give your e-mail id, so that I can send e-mail or call by phone sometime. I have not received any interview offers yet, inspite of good US LORs. How did u do on Step 2 and 3. Best wishes.

hi inspiron,

applied last year with step 1 95 and CS no USCE or US LORs but UK exp. applied to nearly 110 progs dude just IM. Didnt want to apply but just gave it a try, got 4 interviews in late november and early december. Took my Step 2 in last week of december and got my score in last week of jan. I would say try and apply for as many progs as possible ( know money is a big issue ) . Lot depends on your application and lors, but you shud get a few decent calls with ur score and US lors, all the best matie let me know if you have any more burning questions.
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