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exam experience - rogerfederer
first of all i want to thnk this forum for i have learned so much frm the people of this forum and it's discussions .i took the exam last week.personally i felt the exam somwht hard coz i had prblms in managin time .the concepts tested r simple ones,but i found little time to think abt i for the last 5 Q's of each block i just went thru the stem of the q and answered without much thinkin(lack of time).for me most of the Q's r frm medicine and paeds.almost all surgery q's r frm trauma.gyn obs--imp ones,ethics---somwht confusin,,biostatistics--to my luck i got straight Q's in this.pshyciatry--heavily tested.

i studied for 3 months.studied kaplan notes,boards and wards,1st aid.did usmleworld 1 time.took nbme i month before the exam (later i felt i should have taken it before the xam)with a score of 490(bad score!!).

i will be glad to answer any q"s

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