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Please need help - okt3
27. A newborn is diagnosed with either trisomy 18 or 13 with TE (tracheoesophageal) fistula which requires suregery. Mother request surgeon to repair the TE-fistula. What should a surgeon do? (Important)
Answer: surgeon should refuse to do the reparative surgery because these conditions (trisomy 18 or 13) are nonviable. If the patient survives, surgeon can put a gastrostomy feeding tube for nutrition.

Please, oh Please... stop teaching that all trisomy 13 children are not viable--its just not accurate.
They should each be treated on a case by case basis... They are each as unique as you and I.

Living with trisomy 13
This site was developed so Doctors around the world can see that some of these children do survive.
Often families choose termination, or comfort care... in fact many of the Treasured Memory families on this site did choose comfort care, but all tell of the amazing love and gift of life they shared with their children even if their time was brief.

I'm just amazed with the internet and all that is available, that we still see so many being taught that these trisomy syndromes are "not compatible with life" not viable. Its just not a blanket statement you can say anymore with the advances in medicine.

My child is 7 yrs. She is very much alive and a joy in our home. She is full trisomy 13, she crawls, walks with help, and a reverse k walker, rides an adaptive bike, even hums a few recognizable tunes, Totally communicates her needs in her own way and is a happy child. She is delayed, more like a one and a half or two year old..The first year was tough, getting through all the "well she won't survive past one" "oh, this is how these kids are" etc... Once we dealt with the GI motility issues, she is doing very well, and we think she is just wonderful!

Anyhow, here is a site so you can view the many survivors... thank you for taking the time to view these beautiful children.
ThereseAnn, mom to Natalia

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