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hey!! - zen786
HY: BIOSTAT all you need to know here for the following:

Case control study: odds ratio, looks for risk factor in group, looks in the PAST*
Cohort study : Expensive, FUTURE**, Relative risk = gives groups factors and see if those factors are responsible for pathology/disease.
Cross sectional : determines disease prevalance. [ meets in between the past and future [ so you can state PRESENT*** ]
Meta Analysis : this is multiple studies ... [CAN LEAD TO SELECTION BIAS**]
**questions for the above will be str8 forward and the buzz words we will need to remember for them is PAST/ FUTURE/ PRESENT and that will most likely give away the answer !!!

Incidence : all new cases/population @ risk
prevalence : all cases/ population =
as you increase the duration of a specific incident this automatically increases prevalence because prevalence is proportional to Duration.

Sensitivity = SCREENING = TP = Ruling OUT* = TP/TP+FN
Specificity = DIAGNOSTIC = TN = Ruling IN*
PPV = increase with increase Prevalence [makes sense you'll have more positive cases as prevalence increase TP/TP+FP ... easy way to remember this is that Positive****predictive value is associated with all the positive [key terminology - true positive*, false positive*]
NPV = decreases with increase prevalence [TN/TN+FN] and here easy way to remember is all negative terminology.
Accuracy = all TRUE [TP+TN]/ all [ TP+TN+FP+FN]

more formulas : PROBABILITY HYHYHYHY!!!!! know this
independent event:
*if some event is independent of another event you multiply the both to get its* probability
for example: a coin toss... the odds of landing heads = 50% this odds will not change for the second time... the odds of landing a head on the second coin toss is 50% but the odds of Landing HEADS** BOTH *** TIMES** in a row = 25 % how? you multiply first odd .50 x .50 the second odd you end up with 25% ... = very important concept must know!!

mutually exclusive event:
*if some event is a combination you then simply add. but this is associated with SINGLE*** EVENT***

for example the odds of landing a head or the odds of landing a tail in a single toss = 50/50 for both so you add them together you end up with 100%
or for example: the odd of you burning the rice in a cooking pot and the odd of you not burning the rice or the odd of you cooking the rice just perfect = 33% + 33% + 33% = 99% [100% round off]

nonmutually exclusive event : you subtract the overlying area [ conflict area ] in a venn diagram this would b the middle area . for example you have a mutual event + a independent event the way you would solve this problem is :
you take the mutual event : which is to add A + B then you take the independent event which is to multiple A X B and you subtract the the equal of both. so (A+B) - (A X B) is your = nonmutual event a scenario here would be:
pt with diabetes = 10%
pt with obesity = 30 %
question will state whats the odds of finding a patient thats suffering from both obesity and diabetes? answer = (.10+.30) - (.10 X .30) = 37%

Smile)) i share because it helps me reinforce and it might just help one other soul. if i have made a error please do correct thank you Smile goodluck and a happy sunday of studying!!!!
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