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My journal--Exam on 2nd June! - littledoc123
mousmle, MTB 3 and UW are the main study materials recommended by all test-takers. I have listed my sources in my first post. just adding Crush CCS to this for some cases. You are going through second round of UW. right? How many Qs do you manage per day? I'm going through my first round of UW..15 days are gone since I activated my subscription but I have just done 520 Qs i.e. around 1/3 of Q bank which is not so good as my initial plan was to finish UW in one month but now I don't think I'm going to finish it in another 15 days by any means!! My test date is changed from 2nd to 7th June but somehow I'm not able to change the title of my original post.
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