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One liners-7 - hellu_usmle
2. Pick Valacyclovir. Rationale: Acyclovir has a very tedious kind of dosage where as Valacyclovir is 3 times a day.
3. I was going wiht Influenza. So tx in this case of influenza??
4. HTN: BP screening every 2 years in NORMOTENSIVE ADULTS and every year for those with SBP 120-139 or DBP of 80-90
DM: Adults with BMI more than 25 and 1 or more additional risk factors for diabetes, testing for diabetes is recommended. For those without risk facors, testing begins at age 45 .
Lipid: Men more than 35 and women more than 45 (20-45 if there are any CAD risk factors).
5. SMALLPOX : Currently recommended ONLY for those working in laboratories in which they are exposed to the virus.
6. For diagnosing IBS, there should be presence of sign/symptoms for 3 months. Time limit is 3 months.
7. Surgery
8. Surgery
9. LDL is Total chol minus HDL minus TG/5
10. Valve Replavemetn is appropriate for Fungal Endocarditis.

As always, if there is any mistakes or I am misleading in anyway please do correct.
Thanks !!
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