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q6 - kola
1]A 54-year-old construction worker with no significant travel history presents with a fever. He developed the fever 4
weeks ago and was actually hospitalized recently with temperatures of 38.5° C documented on several days. He was evaluated but received no antibiotics or other significant treatments. His evaluation, including history, physical exam, CBC with differential, urinalysis, serum chemistries, and chest x-ray, has been unrevealing.

The common cause(s) of fever of unknown origin (FUO) include which of the following?

A) Collagen-vascular disease.

B) Neoplasm.

C) Drug reactions.

D) Infection.

2]What tests should be included in the minimum evaluation of the patient's FUO?

A) ESR, rheumatoid factor, ANA, tuberculin skin test, blood cultures, abdominal CT scan.

B) Lumbar puncture, chest CT scan, colonoscopy, mammogram.

C) Bone scan, urinalysis, blood cultures, chest x-ray.

D) Abdominal CT, blood cultures, PSA, mammogram.

E) Blood cultures, urine culture, spinal fluid culture, stool culture.
E) All of the above.
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