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microbiology - djyoti
-iv drug abuser with malaise fever hemoptysis pleuritis splenomegaly new murmur--dx

2.25 shortness of breath hx of uri ankle edema /aso negative -coxsackie in serumdx

3. 35 fever non productive cough chest pain supine more chest pain increase jvp on inspiration--esr increased/ldh incresed diffuse st elevation / pr segmentatdepression --/cpk mb normalname the virus causing it --what are other causes

4. 64 progressive dyspnea and fever with a hx of orothopnea frohy sputum had had biprosthetic valve pe -suggestive of aortic insufficiency -

name the organism
mention the rx
imaging finding

5. 25 yr old f c/o low grde fever and myelgia of 3 week duration
hpi- rhd/ one month ago had dental extration --didnot take antibioti prescribed by the doctor

o/e --petechial hemorrhage with nodules
small tender nodule in finger an dtoe nail pads

subungal linear streaks

petechial hemorrage in conjunctiva

mild splenomegaly

diastolic murmur fundus oval retinal hemorrage

what are thosee findings --name them

what is the organism

what is the rx

which valve in echo

diagnostic criteria

54 with a hx of ca operated with lymph node dissection has a swelling and sign of inflammation raised margin borders ill defined



name organism in this case

what are other organism

15 yr painful rash and fever was on a camping

oe warm erythematous plaqe like rash extending across cheeks and face bilaterally with sharp distict border and facial swelling
neutrophillia esr raised



predisposing factors

6 yr with golden yellow crusted lesion around his mouth an behind his ears



lab finding


30 yr male homosexual nonpruritic skin reuption in trumk anogenital

dome shaped umbilicated --palms soles spared

what test you will like to order

finding in biopsy

name of organism

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