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My prep for the day !! - usres12
finished some revisions . now reading cns pharma which is pending since 2days & cant concentrate . i think bcos the atmosphere is dull as it rained

@usres12 my husband gets ready for work at 4:30 r 5 so even if there r low sounds i am awakened & then i get tensed as the day started & that i have soo much to read & fully awake .
but also from from 3 r sometimes 4 i wont be able to study as i have some other work to do.

@owlcity where r u ?? enjoying ur hubby's bday ? r still busy with paperwork of ur college ?
& also a very happy birthday to ur husband !! both of u enjoy the day !!
hello every one
its 12;30 pm and starting now..i waked up soon but busy with cooking ,,this 2 days my husband going to work at 1pm and i hate this schedule .....i cant deal with it .
finally sitting for study and continuing with cardiac pathology.....

@usmle2177...its good time for u to start after he left and whenevr u think u tired sleep for about one hr ,,,, then star again ,,,

happy studing all
thanks a lot for ur wishes ..
we planned to go out at the weekend cos he s very busy with his work at present .. i dont make any sense of his work though .. he keeps on running thousand of nos on his computer .. only nos . that makes sense to him only .. he s in a bank and is work involves only stats and stats .. and he gets excited whenever i ask him to explain a stats qs .. and we end up arguing .. cos he thinks like a statistician.. and u know .. we all think like docs .. so so bad with stats .. sometimes he s like .. oh my god .. u dont know this!! and i then ask him med stuff and say .. oohh u dontt know this !! lol!!

2vena ..( if u cant go to the lib , like me .. am too lazy and i get back pain sitting constantly there) try taking out certain amt of time which u both agree not to disturb each other .. and try isolating urself into some corner where no one disturbs u .. recently we moved our study tabs .. i ve a small den which i converted into a study corner .. maybe the size of a walk in closet .. and he moved his into the hall as ours is one bedroom only .. kinda works for me .. u ve to do it somehow .. u cant afford to lose time like that .. ultimately u are the one whos gonna loose .. and think of it .. the earlier u can do this exam .. the earlier u are gonna start earning .. i cant wait for that day .. i feel so bad that i cant contribute anything esp when u ve been earning ur own for so long ..

thanks for the wishes .. we both are trying to wake up early too .. kind of a competition .. he s reached 6 am and i m still stuck at 7 pm ..we go to bed at 11 nowadays .. my my latent period is 1 hr and his is 1 sec .. maybe thats his secret .. first think i do in the morn is take my ipod and look at it .. u and dr-raw seem to be there so early .. that pushes me to get out of bed .. i do keep my books next to me and start reading it as soon as i open my eyes till i get a little bit of alertness ..

i didnt come here today cos i was so depressed ,and tensed out this morn cos study has been going real bad since last sunday .. just thought i ll try to make up as much as possible today ,, and i ended up 2 hrs on 2 pgs that i hate most .. a little baby can make u nuts just trying to mug wat he wants to do in diff ages .. MILE STONES is wat i m talking about . spent 2 hrs mugging it ..


thanks a lot dear for ur wishes .. my advice to u is keep trying .. i ve succeded till 7 am fm 10 - 11 am .. so if i can do it u can do it too ..but i was taking melatonin at night at 1o pm for last 4 ds to just fix my timing for 11 pm for sleep .. i ve gotta do it .. dont want to find myself dozing of in my exams .. once it normalises at 11 i ll stop it ..


thanks dear .. and ya try to finish this mess as soon as poss .. i got so disturbed d/t it .. i was working so hard for feb end and that completely set me off .. i ve to call my college tom .. hope i dont get offtrack tom. today i decided to not do anything else than study . cos i want my flow back so desperately ..i finished neuro anat too .. took me a long time too .. started behav this mon and been moving so slow .. am doing human dev rt now .. i ll update when i finish this chap .. keep updating urs too ..

@fatemeh and dr-raw

thans for ur wishes ,, hope u do a good study at the lib .. had plans to go there today .. but too lazy ,, so trying my best here at home

happy studying to u all .. i guess u cat find this phrase anywhere in this world except this forum .. indeed happy studying .. any nonmedic reading this will say we are nuts

k will update at night .. been typing too much i guess ..
hey guys..still didnt finish anti micro but no time now..won't be studying anymore tonight!!

imgpak: no unfortunately im not scoring good so have cancelled my date and lets see when i'll be ready! good for u that u finished neuroanat..keep updating..

2177: i think u should take nbmes in this order: 5,6,12,11,7 ..i took 11 the first time...but its the closest predictor alongwith 7 so i should have saved it for last...others might have a diffferent opinion..

owl: have fun..a non medic when he wud see this post sayin "happy studying" will say this: what a bunch of NERDS! thank god im not the only statistics dumbA** here..Smile i have the same arguments with my husband!!

vena: seriously get out of the house..u might lose some time driving but its worth it..make a strict schedule and stick to it by goin to library everyday...its better than being at home tryin to study but not really studying cos someone or the other keeps showing up

now i have to do the biggest task harder than usmle: to get ready for a party..urghhh i hate makeup and doin hair...i love my pony tail and sweatshirt Big Grin
finished human dev .. starting sleep chap .. feeling very sleepy indeed

have a nice time at the party .. my biggest prob is .. i never know wat to wear .. i ll pull out every thing in the closet and try all of them till my hubby gets mad .. and when i come back i ll ve tons of clothes to fold and clean .
winters are best .. put a jacket on top and u are done ..
i agree with both of u @dr-raw and@owlcity .......i should do that ....but i dont know why i cant do it ...u know what??when i leave house and my husband home keep thinking if he drink tea or eat breakfast before going to work ........iam crazy right ,,,,
i will try guys and some day i will do it
@raw...have fun at party .....i love makeup and wearing nice clothes for party ,,but it takes time ,,
hey guys i just noticed i was not reviewing the pharma uw that i had done before ...& i dont even remember that i did it !! i was wondering when did i do all these & how did i forget that i done them as i was looking in fa pharma. then i remembered i spent 1 & 1/2 week only on immuno busy reading ,understanding , revising the 16 chapters that i didnt have time reviewing anything & also bcos i decided on focusing on kaplan pharma only. so i got soo tensed when will i read these as already i am on a tight schedule & then after awhile i cooled myself & decided cant do anything now but have to break them into small parts like chocolate candy & revise them. .
ok finished with some cns drugs, onco drogs & molecular biochem & some cycles, & memorized few names of AD in genetics.
will give my brain some rest by marking the last 10 immuno uw quest into fa
feb 1st already tension started
@usmle 2177
i got a shock too in the morn when i saw feb 1st ..

by the way .. did u do ur 2nd round with all the sub simultaneously like u are doing now .. am quite cofnused as to how to devide like that .. could u suggest something . i did 2nd round one by one and this is my last subj will try to finish by this weekend ..

got a bad headache so i took an hr break .. starting sleep chap .. it did put me to sleep in the afternoon..
Hi every1. It's such a Gud thread, luv going thru it. @dr-raw: I like ur spirit of going to library everyday. I also want to go bcz too many distractions at home, inlaws n a ther kid, but I can't drive. Only rarely sm1 can drop me. N i failed tests
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