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Old Grad.......Exam Experience - bb_boy
thank you so much for your sharing your experience.......all the best.
bb_boy I am happy you passed. My score was also sent out but I am to scared to check it because i failed the first time with a 179 I will be so depressed if I fail again. anyways I wish you a great score.
I mean scared to do oasis trick
Hello, Duce

Please can you contact me , this is my E-mail: Please send me your E-mail address. thanks

I am a old old GRAD - curretnly CEO of a healthcae co.
Cani please talk to you in perosn; my email address is
I apologize for the late reply. Well I thank everybody for congratulating me and I want to answer some of your questions.

First to PRANJU it took me about 17 mo to prepare for step 1.

To TOOLATE well my friend you have to change that to NEVERTOLATE because it™s really never too late. One of my relatives was graduated on 1985 and this year he finished internal medicine and start working upstate NY. And this is only one example but I personally know at least four other old graduates that have been graduated before you and now are ether residents or have finished their residency.
Your resume is very good just you need to pass the exams. You mention that you work and that is really hard for an old grad to study and work at the same time. I couldn™t do both thought the job I was doing was really easy. Now the last thing I would say to you, if you want to get ENT again that™s to my opinion is going to be extremely difficult to get. But you can get other specialties.

Finally to DUCE I wish from the bottom of my heart that you got a god score because we went through the same hell. I really believe that we had a difficult exam. That was our luck. I am sure that you passed because you summarized your exam beautifully, and that shows your memory is quite good. Please let me know the outcome.

I think that the secret of preparing for this exam is keep reviewing the Kaplan books many times and do a lot of questions. Keep a positive attitude and while studying try not to think that there is a lot more material to study. Just take one thing at the time. Consider studying as a real job and take it very seriously. Do not read from deferent sources it is not important how much you read but how much you can remember. Concentrate only on Kaplan books (first), Goljan and probably First Aid (after going at least twice over the Kaplan notes). Do Rapid review questions while studying the notes and after the second review do mix Kaplan qBank, World Usmle (now you can combine the questions differently but important is to do mix questions).

Well again I wish everybody the best of luck. And remember always keep a positive attitude. YOU CAN DO IT. I know because I did it but it.


Good job, bb_boy ! May all your dreams come true! Please post your score...
Thxs bb_boy for your sincerity and helpfully advice.
Good Luck!
Your words is so inspiring...wish you the best. I think this forum will welcome your advices at any time.
Thanks, Good job.
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