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Number of applications have risen this year again. - matchmaker2007
I agree the only interview I have is from a program that I told a resident to recommend me
People who can only speak English fluently have become the stupidest in the world, because all the other people can speak English and another language.
Amen the_heeb. As a US citizen that is in medical school in Europe its amazing how unpractical the teaching is. These ph-ckers don't teach $h-t. Its all theory. I'm not going to be a textbook when I graduate from medical school. I'm going to be a doctor. So teach me to be a doctor.

I easily passed the USMLE on a first attempt. I'm still terrified to treat a patient.

Hands on is where its at.
To hypersexual and usapplicant.. the increase in number of applicantions is obviously being driven by FMGs. I spoke to this US applicant today who's applying to (hold your breath!!) only 4 programs.. and will probably rank only 3 out of the four!!
Good luck hypersexual. Our approach is unconventional, but I think its the future. I honestly bet that if you do a good job at that iv you will either match or pre match. You could get 5-6 more iv and it may not improve your chances. I'm still applying to about 30 programs but 100 is out of the question.
4 programs! Wow. There really must be a method to his/her madness. PDs don't have time to go through 100 applications from Bangladesh let allow take the time to interview all those people +the Indians +the Pakistanis +whoever else.

I think people trying to do probabilities on 99s and matching are going to be in for some real disappointment. I think the key is to have a solid application and work connections.

Honestly the hiring process at the best of times is largely arbitrary. I think PDs know that. That is why you see so many exceptions to the rules. I've seen guys with scores in the mid 80s matching in competitive fields while guys with 99s get rejected from FP.

to understand 'why' for ur sentence - "I've seen guys with scores in the mid 80s matching in competitive fields while guys with 99s get rejected from FP" - u have to understand the whole match dynamics. u may be right in having observed 99ers getting denied by FP programs but i wonder how can that be used as an observation tool?
ok, its no secret that lot of IMG's lack interpersonal skills simply coz of the way the training structure in the home country, and maybe even culture plays a small role. so, wats the deal? this is not something new, is it? yet, over years, the IMG's pursuing residency has only risen, and will continue to to do so. despite the handicap, u will but appreciate that many of the very same colleagues who cudnt spell well and had weak english do as well or better than their more 'english' colleagues. again, there r bad apples in ALL systems, including AMG's .... u have to see it to believe it!
True 99 only ensures cum stains on your LCD while on

Nothing more nothing less.

the_heeb is right. You should listen to him. He is telling you what your target market is looking for. My advice is to watch up to date American TV and see what the well respected people on TV shows talk like and how they behave.

During my rotations I went out with attendings, drank beer, and talked about getting laid. Several letters of recommendation were written. I remember standing in an OR with a plastic surgeon and an anesthesiologist staring at a woman's boobs and debating which one looked bigger. I was not going on about my mosque or how I never saw a naked woman until dissection or how my religion prohibits beer.

You definitely have to read who you are around and adapt. I was very intellectual around the PD. I was friendly but reserved around the married religious types. And I talked about girls and beer around the younger types with not kids.
to the_heeb and other usa grads: with all due respect to you and your country, that sort of attitude is so sad. if we img's are so unwelcome and so bad (according to you), then why has your country opened its doors to us? and why do americans pride themselves as tolerant and welcoming people? and why is america called the land of opportunites. i am from china and going by the number of patients that we see (and i can say that for india and other asian countries as well), we definitely have better clinical skills than you guys. i did 3 rotations here and was horrified to see the dismal level of clinical acumen some medical students and residents had. infact most of the good residents were fmg's. i think its a give and take situation- we spend money to come here, travel away from our family half way through the world, make your health system more competent (and in case of your IT sector, we pretty much help it survive) and in return, get a good salary and better working conditions.
PS: One area where you people really suck is general knowledge and geography. one fellow didnt know where china is on the map!!! maybe you guys need to learn that there is a world outside usa as well..
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