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Residency resign - meddoc28
hey meddoc28,

Try to be strong and finish your intern year. Start applying now to match in what you really want. A year of clinical experience will actually help your application. Even if you want to quit medicine and do something else, just finish the year, it'll be much better for you long term.
Thank you tothematch.

you already made one mistake according to you. Certainly don't make another. and for the rest of the people reading this. Your spot will not be given to someone that randomly called in your place from a forum like this so DO NOT GIVE THAT KIND OF INFORMATION.. First of all the program will not want anyone you could possibley reccomend since you are quiting on them. and secondly you don't want to get yourself caught in some kind of legal issues that you may not be aware of.

Be careful when you start looking for applying this coming year... your program may find out about it and if they give you a negative review you will have a hell of a time trying to explain things. What specialty do you want?? and what specialty are you in??? Like example.. if you are in surgery at harvard, I'm sure you wouldnt have trouble going into family practice at a small place if that is your dream... but.. if it is the other way around forget it.. I understand about keeping dreems.. but.. you have to also be realistic,,specially if your family is depending on you... becoming a licensed physician in this country is a hard thing... think well before you do anything is all I can say.
I think you are right brainlegs, I was about to do the stupedest thing in my life. I just don't know why I think and act like that sometimes. Just now, I feel I was doing a hell out of a simple thing. I don't want to lose the opportunity I have now. It's just that too many things came together and I was kind of overwhelmed and stressed. I find it very hard to adapt myself to new situations. However, I'm affraid a new "anxiety attack" come up again. I wish I wasn't like this at all, now I wish I hadn't thought the way I did when I first started this thread. I think I will follow your advice and talk to the PD about it and straighten things out. I know I will be put on probation or something like that but I just don't want to ruin everything I have worked so much. I hope God lightens me the way so I can grab what is best for me at this moment, be humble and move on. Please pray for me.
I understand about anxiety. Starting residency causes a lot of stresss.. and you think all the other places maybe a better option... but listen.. when you begin just take one day at a time.. soon PGY1 will be over... and things won't seem so bad.. make the best of the oportunities given to you. What specialty are we talking about??? what are you in??

I hope you don't get on probation... why probation??? have you already tried to get out or something???

I will pray for you meddoc.
all the best
I am sorry to learn about your situation. If you have really taken some branch you are not interested in, then changing might be a very good option. But it has to be legally, and there are ways how you can do that. And dont do anything in hurry, I believe it has only been 1 week since the residency started. I honestly feel you have difficulty adjusting to the change, believe me, everyone has that problem. And the other thing is you are away from home and that puts a lot of pressure too. Dont make any hasty decisions, the best thing now would be to show your contract to a lawyer and take his/her advice.
meddoc28, plz drop me an email at espoirusmle, I would like to share some thoughts with you.
all the best
i dont think u have given enough time to like it
I'm staying with the program, I'm feeling more confortable right now, though things are pretty tough I know I can pull through. Thanks guys for your support, which I beleive, was fundamental for me to stay. I thank the forum's creator!!!!!!!!!!!! See you around guys :-)
I think you get Ajustment disorder and a little deression
you will be better soon
God Bless
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