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change is coming........................... - oobama
oh crap..... as if reps have concrete plan for US....
oh yeah dey do have......
staying in iraq for next hundred yrs....
making abortions illegal.......
n cutting taxes for the executives.........
These r the plans of reps this time as dey were bfor.....
what do you think? that the majority of america will vote for ooooooooobama come election day? just because young college crowds turn up in football grounds to cheer for their rockstar dont assume the tides have changed..dont forget that the major voting blocs in every election are the senior citizens and the women..the young punks wont show up on election day..they will be wasted in their homes..and hey the racial divide hasnt gone away..that will hit you hard come november..Mc Cain/ Palin 2008
Killer girl - r u an american? I am not.
Just curious.
yah..but an IMG..studied in the caribbean..
and one more thing about the racial divide

do u mean u support the actual racial divide???? and support the McCain / Palin
I don't support the racial divide..of course I don't!! I always think the right/best person should win.. I was just shedding some light on the actual facts..and I think African Americans shouldn't be blindly supporting Ooooooobama just because he's an African American..or the whites Mc Cain for that matter..actually i was rooting for Hillary being a woman myself..but no woman never gonna be a president..I have no hard feelings about OOObama..but I haven't heard anything substantial coming from except the rhetorical " Change will Come" about answering how it will come about and what are your plans for it..and why does he shy away from the discussions? Hillary would have been perfect with her experience and political knowhow..but never comes first my friend...not party lines
killergirl you are not american. If you were you would wish America the best and refrain from McCain. He will make AIG, Lehman Bros and Merryl Lynch appear like child's play

McCain does not how many houses he owns.

Confused Spain with Venezuela and Bolivia yesterday.

Said the economy is "strong".

This man is getting senile and you wish him on America??? Surely you are not American.....
hey killer girl
i agree with your views - but not all.
but to be dealing with the dreadful Putins / chinese / and others - you need a lot more experience than just being able to see russia from your bedroom!!!
i have travelled across the world much more than Palin - she doesnt even know 90% of the world how it looks - forget about dealing with them
she has been just to mexico and canada - neighbours for USA
she hasnt met even a single head of a state still
you could sill be a VP with out any of these
its just that the lives of americans are at stake not just 9000 wassillites

she is shying away from everything i suppose except sarcastic comments

i just wanna ask u one simple question killer girl

i know u wont be very old - but presume if ur old enough to be a mom with ur kid going to IRAQ for what ever duty it is ....
how would you answer if i ask u the following question wat would be your answer
is your country lucky to have your son or your son is lucky to serve for America
what would u answer?
just let me know what would u answer
right_doc..I agree with you about Palin's inexperience....But senator ooobama isnt that much experienced either..its not only about shooting basketball hoops with soldiers stationed in the middle east..and he is running for president..Palin is the VP..she will gain the necessary experience while working with Mc cain..and you can't doubt Mc Cain's credentials, can you? and please don't start with he's old..what if something happens to him? Give him a the way Biden was not a good VP pick..he tells about Change and picks up a long time Washington insider as his running mate..what about the obama/clinton dream ticket? lost some women voters there and by God, are they going to count this november? about the question..My Son is lucky to represent and serve America..because without a nation, where would I be or my son?
About most presidents - being in senate and in various committees - you gain a lot more experience than managing a small town
there are lots of difference
Dealing with the heads of other states are more important in presidency than anything else
and about McCain - we have to accept the fact that he has more odds of death against him for all the reasons than the remaining three.
about obamas credentials and managing skills - he has successfully made many of us believe he has the stuff in him to be what he wanna be!

This girl has excellent credetials but not for VP - she needs to be in national politics for atleast a good few years before even considered for shortlisted for a VP ticket

and about the answer for the question which I asked you
i was just watching a video clip on
and Palin says - america is lucky to have my son!

honestly, I am a very avid follower of internatioal politics and
I just simply wonder - why americans are so Idiotic - one in choosing her and second letting her change the numbers
oh my god
the reason fo my worry is - at this stage - America has to do wellfor the rest of the world to do well
if america doent do well - pound goes down the drain - euro drops - Rupee disappears


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