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cis.. how to do it better ??? - 132008
Good luck for every one.
My advice for you after hard trials is:

Regarding SEP:
1. start to speak English in all things of your daily activity, and start now.

2. make your own terms , read and speak them by heart. for examples;
knock the door , enter the room with a smile and confident steps and say: good morning Mr .., I'm Dr XXX, nice to meet you(while shaking hands) I'm your doctor today and I'm here to help you and take care of you. Look around in the room and say : Are you comfortable in the room ..and then ask how can I help you Mr..?

3. be confident while speaking and don™t show any expression if you don't understand any ward during the encounter.

4. for me, I think the most important factor that changed my result from FAIL to PASS is the summarization of each case. This give the SP a clear impression that you have understood every thing in the encounterbelieve me I did not make a big change in my pronunciation or accent but I did summarize each case.

5. speak in a clear voice and slowly. Don™t think that Americans speak fast and you have to be like them.

6. Use body language as well, like OHO, nodding your head

Regarding CIS: confident regarding any thing, smile all the time unless in cases of pain or bad news.

2. After saying how can I help you? Say: Oh I'm so sorry to hear that ( or to see that you are in pain) but I'm here today to help you and I will do my best to relief your pain and make you more comfortable, just I'd like to ask you some questions and do a quick physical exam to know more about your problem, is that OK with you?..say it in every case, it is important and try to learn them by heart.
Then start asking about chief complain PAM HUGS FOSS exactly as written in First aid.
2. use transitional sentences between each groups of questions, likenow I'd like to ask you some questions about your family, is that OK with you?....thank you.
Now I'd like to ask you some questions about your health in the past, is that OK with you?....thank you.

3. Always show empathy when ever you hear a bad news, even many times in one encounter
my dad died..Oh ,I'm so sorry for that.
I have pain in my stomachOh, I'm so sorry to see that you are in pain. This must be very hard for you, but I'm here to help you. just I need to ask you some questions and do quick physical exam on you and as soon as I'm done with you I will give you some thing to relief your pain and make you feel better.

4. keep eye to eye contact with smiling or facial expression according to the situation.

5. always ask permission before examination, and explain every step of physical exam as written in First Aidi.e: now I'm going to listen to your heart, I'm going to listen to your chest, I need to examine your belly, could you please lie down for me, Now I'd like to do a physical exam on you , is that OK with you? Yes, doctor..Thank you, but before doing that excuse me for a moment her to examine my hands ( with smile).

6. practice the challenging questions in First Aid very welldon™t answer them very quick, make brief silence then say well,.. and always ask after answering the question, does this answer your question? Do you have any other question for me?

7. Always close the encounter like.thank you very much for your kind cooperation, answering my questions and allowing me to do a physical exam on you. Now I'd like to sit down with you and give you my impression. You have just told me that you had this and this. And as I understood from you and physical exam, I'm thinking of a couple of possibilities that may be the cause of your problem, you may have.and..( mention just 2-3 differentials). In order to find out the exact cause we will need to do some tests like as soon as I get the results , let's meat again and at that time I will be able to discuss every thing in details and talk about your options of treatment. Is that OK with you? Do u have any other question for me?...please practice this ending sample according to the case, you modify it according to the case..don't say this is a long is very very important for both SEP and CIS.

8.before leaving.say with shaking, thank you for your cooperation and it was nice to meet you. I will leave my contact information with my nurse, please free to contact me at any time if you need any help or question. Bye bye .

9. IIf you have any question specially the minor things don™t hesitate to write to me

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