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correlations are not always the truth... - hehadoc
Hi hehadoc
I am always upset at the people who push others to go for the exam when UW is something around 60% There is no correlations to the real test ,YOu propably did listen to the people that you Q bank score is ok to pass and went for the exam without confidence.
Hehadoc do not worry about matching just try to put yourself together and study again asap
You will do it with higher score .
thank you cris and angelboy. i did form 1 of nbme 1 week before the test, but i didn´t review a lot of the kaplan books after that(excepting some important topics in IM). that could be important . i did that for step 1 and it refreshed a lot of things...
cris, i know correlations are not all...i don´t believe either too much in them...
another thing is that some programs don´t consider you if you don´t pass in first attemp,but what can i do for that now...
i know i must pass it with better score this time. i´m programming my mind now for the struggle...
oh, what a mishap. hehadoc i know you worked hard for it but sometimes things go in a way we didn't predict . not on eveyrbody luck smiles on them . ya, your score was consistent enough to pass the exam . but as i always said , there is no solid correlation in the q banks out there and in the real exam . somehow they may show our weakness and learn out of them . i passed my exam with 89 and had 66 in uw but somebody who has uw 62 passed with 98 but you with the same result didn't make it , atleast for the time being. the other thing why u did NBME only a week before the exam isn't something i could accept . if NBME is there as a correlation or as a material to show our weakness it must be done atleast a month before the exam. that isn't to add salt on your wound . ur experience is essential for others to draw a lesson out of . and the other thing what was the mode u did your questions ? i remember your recent post which indicates that you had time management problem .i.e. you weren't fast enough to complete some of the blocks. remember that time is a big factor to affect your performance . this exam is all about speed with focus . otherwise you have the brain and stamina to do it . surely u will. first thing first . first concentrate on the job on your hand as far as possible then u will think about the next later on . God be with u and GL in your exam.
there are SO many factors into taking these exams.

correlations are the only way we TRY to judge our progress, but more important
than ANY of that is how we do on the day of the exam.

During the exam, no one asks what your NBME score, UW score, or Kaplan scores are.

it's about the performance you have on THAT day. This is such a long exam,
and many's the people who are really good at handling the pressure
who do the best......not just the ones who can do great on practice questions.

either way...wait for your official score to show up...take some time to plan
a personal strategy.....and do it again! you'll be fine...this happens to alot of us.

it happened to me a few months ago as well. I had a residency contract IN MY HANDS,
which was cancelled due to failing step 2.

yes, you´re right in many aspects , kulabig... i did usmleworld in self paced mode. i thought it would be a safe way to learn while i was reading the q´s, but as you said, time management was difficult before and in the exam. i remember i had left 2 or 3 q´s in almost every block(excepting the last 2, because they were easier), but in general , i thought it was difficult to manage time.. i can´t say this was the main factor to fail, but definitely it was a very important issue.

yes revo, i agree that the problem was on the exam day. i thought i was ready(probably due to my consistence in knowledge) but the problem here seems to be the pressure on the exam day.i must wait for the official result to see weakness areas , but meanwhile i´m reorganizing and listen to your opinions..
Hey hehadoc, I´m shocked to hear about the result. I´m genuinely sorry and if there´s something I can do to help please let me know. Where are you going to take CS? When? Please email me so we can keep in touch directly: guatedoc
Take care, and lift that chin, vas a ver que todo te va a salir bien, mucha paciencia!
hello hehadoc,sorry to hear abt ur result,i failed too in step 2 but i have started again,i know my weakness is probably in CVS and Reps,in actually understanding the Q's in that short time,dont get disheartned,i want to know from all u ppl on thei forum wat strategy u guys using for studies,should i read the notes gain or just start by doing UW in tutor mode and then timed mode,making notes?can anyone help me,iam in bay area SF,cali,anyone wanna disscuss topics plz let me know.
take care.
Sorry to hear that you did not pass. The responses from all us are out of good heart and sympathy. I think you just provided a piece of very important information in your last message about how you did UW questions and time management during the exam. I think you have to do sufficient questions in timed and mixed mode to allow yourself enough practice to handle the pressure during the real test. This could be the real reason you did not pass. So please change your study strategy for the next round.
thank you again, folks for your support..
guatedoc, i think i´ll retake again ck before cs due to the freshness of the knowledge. gracias por tus palabras.
haiderizwan,what i did(it worked on step 1) was to read twice the kaplan notes(the first one slowly and the second one more quickly). then begin to practice with q´s, beginning with qbook, kaplan kbank, usmleworld, ecmfg and kaplan cd , then nbme . for the last, i took a fast review of the books again(thing that i didn´t do quite well in step 2 ck due to lack of time. i have struggled to have done the exams for this match process), almost a photographic view of them and then , finally, the exam.. another tip i did in step 1(and i will do in this retake of step 2 ck) is to do questions by myself about kaplan notes. i remember clearly that this trick helped me to learn goljan pathology as my hand´s palm. i should do this time that technique.
yes dwnchao, i´m here not only to seek advice from all of you, but also to give my experience to be taken seriously for not to commit the mistakes i did(i´m not sure all of them yet, but we are suppossing it was basically time management). for sure i will practice better this issue now and i´m sure i should succeed...
I am very glad reading your last sentence. Failure is the mother of success and your confidence is strong. Best wishes!
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