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Revolutioninzing Residency Training - hannnah
Guys Ive been a silent observer for over a year. Let me tell you something. Our obejetive (at least mine) is to help others and heal pain wether it is physical or emotional. Let us not fall into arrogance by putting ourselves as better or with a higher title. The term "Doctor" in this country refers to a title bestowed on a person which has attained through hard work and much effort the maximum expertise in a subject. Doctors can be philosofers, linguists, nurses, etc. They justly desrve to be called doctors. We are PHYSICIANS!!!! No mimicking by anyone can ever attain the title of Physician without going through what we have gone through. Let us not forget who we are. Be humble and the one and only God (call him what you will) will lets his light shine upon you. Eventually all of us will end up in a residency. Be patient and have faith.
Doctor is a layman term for Physician, more than 90 % or may be even 99% use this naturally

Physician is a scientific name for someone who is defacto medical doctor - I guess I don't have to explain this.

There is no need for hard work, much effort or maximum expertise to get this,(a beggar begging for 20 years may be an expert on begging if he is bright enough, but it does not work that way) even dentist, chiropracter, osteopathy and in some countries Ayurveds, homeopaths are considered doctors.

The real meaning of doctor is "Teacher" as simple as that but real meaning does not count when hardly anybody knows it, what really counts is what people perceive is "doctor"

If u r a Ph D and tell someone that u r a doctor, than u will be asked what kind of doctor? When u say PhD, the response here in USA would be "Oh , that kind?" it would be a surprise for layman but the scene would be different in academic circle like Princeton University where there are hadly any medical doctors or medical school.

Being called a doctor is no big deal as there are so many of them...
Hanah has nice business thoughts,but that is not how USA works

usa is controlled by a few people , and the whole world know who they are,they decide ,what to do next,but what they are doing now is destroying USA economically,

google a place called wyandach,ny and see how the blacks, hispanics,migrants live.There are many other place here similar to movie slum dog millionaire,but people don't know about it.

these rich people who control America finance don't care a damn about anyone ,they want to get money and then they save in Swiss banks

this happen all over world

Beginning with Mr Zadari, Indian politicians, Chinese CCP magnates, USA mortage bankers, they steal people money and enjoy them selves

So your thought is a imagination, ,but vested interests ,are more powerful
those articles and Obama healhcare reform raise alot of concern after I read those articles. part of Obamacare discarged private practice and encourage group or hospitalizations. if you going to see a primary care MD and being charge 50dollars then refer to a specialist, or got the antibiotic prescription ,while a NP can do the same thing for 25dollars. who would the insurance company or the US government want the patient to goes to? the reason, there is a limited residency position is medicare spending was capped. they only fund so much for a hospital to avoid overspending and tax increase. if the same logic apply, they will limit spending again.
when a nurse can go to fellowship and do more thing than family medicine doctor and charge cheaper, it is disturbing.

What few people are u talking about, not many people in USA seem to know about that let alone the whole world, it would be good to know if you did know, I hope it's not a drug dealer or a corrupt billionaire who are running usa..

Is what u said true or one of the many conspiracy stories?
Can someone pass this on to Senators/Hor & Bams, If there is a place for all IMG, we would relaxed like AMGs, all guarenteed Residency spots
Sounds like a good idea...
If US is too poor to fund Residency, let some billionaires in BRICK nation fund this, we'll pay them tax

BRICK: Brazil, Russia, India, China, +-Korea

There are more Billionaires in Moscow than any other city in the world
Some Billionaires in India are episodically become the reachest person on earth when their stock price rise
China has one of the fastest rise in number of billionaires
Brazil's growth is revolutionary

Will US be able to keep up with this BRICK nations, such a shame can't even fund its own healthcare

3 billion is hardly anything for super rich countries, even not a big deal for some individual billionaires.

Why is US playing foul with doctors?

US will grow more if it invests more on doctor thereby reaping more benefits.

If someone else invests in Residency, US will suffer in tax.

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