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jokes - florin
florin, do you have more???Smile
considering the fact that being a ob/gyn this days is harder and harder due to insurance companies policies and many other things an ob decides to change his job and applies for an interview as a mechanic.
He is accepted and sent do do a practical test:desansambling and ansembling of an engine with a time limit.
He did his job,and 2 weeks later receives a letter of acceptance and a score report:out of 10 possible points he received 15!!!
Very curious calls the engineer that scored his work and asks:How come that i got 15?
Well,answered the engineer,first i gave you 5 for a perfect desansambling of the engine!,then i gave you another 5 points for a perfect reasambling of the engine,and in the end i gave you extra 5 points as a bonus for doing all this things through the exhaust pipes!!!
Its really funny.....please keep them coming!!!!!
hey guys i just find out i passed 2 cs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah! baby
a guy comes to a doc and says: hey doc! i can t pee what is wrong?
the doc said :how old are you?
Well i am 83 years old
Doc: well i think you peed enough in 83 years...
husband in the bed with wife...
hey honey i want you ,said husband...
Can t do a thing ,answered wife,irritated..
Why? asked husband.
Well i have to go tommorrow to see me gyn doctor.
After a 5 min break the husband asked again:are you gonna see your dentist too? Smile
There is a party at the hospital,is the birthday of a very well known opthalmologyst,and colleagues ordered for him a big cake shaped as an eye..
From a sudden one of his colleagues start laughing really loud ...
What happened? asked everybody...
well you know next week is the birthday of my best friend...
well he is a gyn guy..Smile)
a guy comes to a doc and says:
Doc,every morning at 5 am i have a bowell movement
That s awsome said the doc,regular BM is normal
Yeah,but you see,i always wake up at 6 am!
a guy comes to a urologyst and said:doc i have a problem,i suffer from priapism,i have continuous erections...
What can you give me for this? asked the patient...
Hold on a second said the doc and left the room.
When she got back said:I spoke with couple of my female colleagues and we can give you :
1A place to stay,3 meals/day ,and 50$ ..
a doctor was doing an eye exam in one of his patients:I can see that you suffer from rheumatic disease,diabetes,Hypertension..said the doctor
Hold on doc,said the patient ,perhaps you want to check the other eye too,cause this one is made out of glass....
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