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serious need of advice - nehaal
dude just bust out step 2 and 3 you didn't fail and your score are actually on par with many FM residents. Most FM programs require an 80 to apply. You are within the cut off. Residency is NOT only your scores much more to it than just numbers.
Hey hotmail79 thanks.. Can u tell me is there anychance of me gettin into peds?? no mater how hardwork i have to put in for that i would do,, but does peds come into my reach??
FM and peds are the two branches, where scores of 80% are good enough for them to apply..
next is psych with 85% and anything above that is for rest, including IM..
but this is just a general data, there are exceptions..
scores are not the only thing under consideration..
fresh graduates, clinical exp, research, MPH, all these are some of the extra qualifications, that can help IMG or AMG.

dont lose hope. get good scores in Step 2, preferably around 95%.
if u can afford it, join into MPH, a 2 year course, it is an option, only if u have no chances of getting a PG seat in india.
with the way things are with reservation, and the cost of PG admission , {if u plan on buying one}
i would prefer USMLE..
u r a fresh grad, so u still got that advantage..

hey thanks fmg.86
I dont know m still very confused,, i have been a very good student all the tym,, and eventhough i scored good on nbmes and fred and uwsa,, i screwd on actual exam..
i really dont know what to do.. these days observors are also getting hard to get. so m pretty dicey as to whom to contact for this. any suggestions??
Being a good student has nothing to do with the exam.. trust me..
some of my classmates, who were always in first ten spots, got 88 and 83 ...
it depends on whole lot of things not just hardwork and luck..

i didnt understand ur question.. whom should u contact for further planning?
Your application n CV must compensate for the low score on step 1.

As many has advised having a backup plan is crucial. Applying and not matching means 1 to 2 years of time wasted, but if say ur doing IM back home while applying u will be atleast done with residency. After that you got option to redo residency in USA or just finish up home. Some go for another degree in USA.

Having 2 or 3 options is better than putting all ur effort into 1 option and then not succeeding.
Hey thanks fmg.86... i meant whats the procedure for applying to observors??
defendor: thanks for the valuable advice.. i appreciate it. yes u are right about the wastage of tym,, thats y i asked u all experienced ppl.. can i apply for fellowships in US after i finish my residency back home? as in after my masters??
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