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Fairview interview to nastia06 and anyone - iskos
I believe they don't offer prematch
are you SURE they do not offer prematch?? My logic....if it is "malignant" (from the previous post), it will most likely offer prematch. Because, it will be ranked very one is going to rank malignant programs high....By the way, I liked what I read in fairview website...that is why I want to know why people call is malignant..

please rank my calls...
St Luke, MO, fair view and Interfaith, NY.....which one is best and why??
@doctormed no clue about the source, probably from resident feedback. But if you type Fairview in the search box on the bottom of this screen, you'll find some more info from previous years. I checked their current residents, seems like they are mostly foreigners.
It is a Cleveland Clinic Hospital though, and probably not impossible to get a fellowship. I don't care how hard the program is, I just want to be able to find a fellowship after I finish residency. Good luck to all
and I know for sure that in 2010 match they pre-matched 8 out of 10, because during the ROL they had only 2 spots available for the Match. not sure about last year.
@ tet...I agree with you.....let us first do the residency...we will think about fellowship afterwards...securing fellowship has many factors....where are your other interviews?
mt. carmel columbus
Guys do they ask medical questions or molecular biology questions???
OMG, are you martians or something? Someone asked what questions they ask "EXACTLY" during the interview, and I joked about it and said they ask molecular biology. The sarcasm was about the word "exactly". Probably some of you read jokes and then google the explanations to find out what was funny about the joke. Chill out, they usually don't ask medical questions during the interviews, maybe an interesting case to present, but nothing more. Good luck

Sorry, I was out of forum for 2 days but I see that you already got all your answers.
Yes, the above TET joked with me that they ask molec. biology Qs.

Anyway, the program is good and in the good area of Cleavland compare for ex. to St. Vincent Charity (case Western Res.) program.
They offer PM for sure and keep in mind an interesting case.

My IV in the middle of Nov. If you have yours earlier, please dont forget to share your experience. Good luck and show them!
Nastia and all thanks for ur inputs. Did you interview there already? mine is in Nov, very soon. please shed some light on fairview IV.
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