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for the girls - samira
Dear samira,
While i understand your concern and i know your heart was in right place when you wrote this post i truly believe you are mixing up things.
1. Never bring religion into this. You will end up starting a discussion about your religion and God only knows what people will write here to offend you and Me.
2.Sexual harrassment can happen anywhere be it india, pakistan, europe or america.
3.Victims of sexual harrassment Donot have a certain profiles like someone suggested. It can happen to anyone no matter how they are dressed. And also perverted minds donot seek victims from a particular background. It can happen to a woman or a man of any religion.(e.g rapes and abuse happen in every society no matter how closed and conservative they are and many many single women in USA dressed not so conservatively work 2 jobs and provide for their families and still are safe and unharmed. The problem is with the perverts not the victims)
4. I somehow felt that you are trying to say that women are somehow unsafe if they donot have any male relative with them. Its very wrong trust me. You can have a 6 ft big man escorting you and still a bullet doesn't know that.
5.And lastly, I know many muslim women (even the one that wear head scarves) who work travel by the subways, helping their families to move forward and realizing the american dream. So DoNot think or say that We cannot protect ourselves or we are any less capable in handling situations like that. We are not dummies who need male escorts and we have brains to filter friendly from inappropriate.
Goodluck and stay strong. Dont let fear rule your life.
if u r feeling so much insecure ,go back to home country.
perverts r there in each and every country,it s not an american thing.
mona "GI Jane" calm down!
Again samira i think it was very stupid of you to write this post and bring your religion into it.
Think and think hard before posting anything.
what went wrong if the poor innocent girl told something nice she wasnt trying to degrade anybody she used FOR GIRLS ONLY
considering all girls equally
plz dobt do like this
v all just need something to have for fun
not good indeeedd
yes and while reading the can see people are having alot of "fun"
although i am a male ,i think USA is a lot safer then other third world countrys.and if u r feeling unsafe then its better to go back home, cause if u r insecure ,then whats the fun of having lot of money.
I did not see any mention of religion in the Samira's post....That mona idiot brought the "bed sheet" comment and forced me to post a reply.
ok jakkkk that cursing is uncalled for stop it
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