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Need advice from moms - inadaan
sami2005 - 02/24/12 19:54

I found this from a friend- it is too late for me but it may help you!


Externships (free-in ALL FIELDS of medicine ), NON-Competetive residency programs that take old imgs and multiple failed imgs, physician assistant programs scholarships,USMLE course ratings

hi inadaan,
hi inadaan,
I can very well understand your situation as I also have 2 kids.One is 7 & one is 5 I started for this exam few months back & now I 'm about to take my exam in april .Its very hard but doable .Thats what I believe in.First thing you need to do is to talk to your husband on very firm ground ,what you want & why you want & afterall its going to benefit the whole family even if he's not convinced to help you start the prep any way .Make some changes inyour daily life routine.If you have to make fresh food every day do half cooking for the food one day for 3-4 dishes and rest on the day when you need to eat ,it is going to save alot of time.Secondly if your kids take a nap in the afternoon try to put them to bed together but if they take a nap & then they sleep late at night stop giving them a nap & put them to bed at 7.30 or 8.00 in the evening .Once the kids sleep you can study till 12.00 or 1.00 and also donot wake the kids up and sleep with them atleast till 8.00 or 8.30 in the morning so you are also fresh for you studies.Atleast start and leave the rest on God .I've also gone through a tough time though my husband is realy realy helpful wont even mind if you just tell him that go and eat something from the freezer but other things come & go so please dont be disheartened and start your prep.Talk to your husband about your plans.May be when you started earlier your kids were small I mean very small may be now he won't have such problem ,
thank u all
i realy feeling very light and will try all of your suggestions
we all are in the same boat
let us pray for each other
Hi Mamma

Sory to hear you are going through a tough patch. As others said its not impossible. I have 2 children (3yr and 4months) and am doing my best to study. I have a wonderful hubby but he has 2 jobs and is a student...we work with each other.

If you love your hubby or want to stay married, find the best way to get his support..they can be amazing flexible if things are working out.

Organize your duties..learn to multi groceries in bulk, partial cooking or preparing so the next time takes shorter time to cook...get rice cooker, do easy dishes,

work with other moms and form play group and take turns taking care of the kids so you do not have them 24/7

Pray..meditate..take courage and stay focused on your dream

All the best...ALL THE BEST
hi dear i am mom too i am having 2and half year daughter but i am seding her to daycare because my in laws are in different states .plus my husband is helping me a lot ,i studies 10 hr daily and planning to appear in march,
i advice you to manage a timetable and stick to it ,plus when your kids are around do your chores at this time and manage to study when they are still sleeping usually early morning .make their sleep timetable.
You need to teach your kid a little independence, as well as set up limits with them. You tell them that “you have e2 choices, one is that you let mommy study for let say 2 hours and then you can play in the playground for 30 min or you can bother your mommy and stay all day home’. You have to make constructive choices .but not “bribe them “with ice creams or food, but something like a library or fun time at the park or friend to come over –play date. This was working for me with my daughter .This is a method that I learn from my good friend who was pediatrician for 30 years –May God bless his soul. Then, I had a time out chair. You can train your kids and you have to learn a bit of psychological sophistication where you can “train” your husband also, but sometimes it is very difficult.Again,you need to explain to your husband and help Him understand that the thing of what you are doing –is not only for you, but an ultimate sacrifice for your family .Do not even bother to “quarrel” with in laws or try to make them understand-some people just have a tunnel vision and that is how they are going to die.
Pick and choose your battle, but in order to get where you want to be ,you need to ignore market talk, but to focus on the direction that you want to go…
If serving the food to your husband makes Him happy –do it-why not???
You have to cook for you and for your kids, so that shouldn’t be an issue. American women are doing all of that, plus full time jobs, so focus your negative energy into studying..
Warmly Yours,
i was about to give the same advice as antonella . train ur elder one that when u say mommy has to study he/she will take control of the little one by playing r keep busy watching cartoons etc. in ur presence & wake up early before them in the morning & study & u must talk to ur husband its his kids too he should have his share for atleast 2hrs to take care of them.
I am a mom of two too. 5yr old(going to be 6 in april) n younger one just turn 4yr.
Well, mine they both go to school for 6 hrs. So, at that time i will manage to study but during their school breaks like they r having now winter break, i will let them stay in bed till 8am. Once they r out of bed, will give them breakfast. After that let them color, draw etc about an hour then next one hour educational cartoon. So, this two hrs i will study.
At 11am i will take them to park and let them play about an hour and come home and give them lunch. After 5-10 mins let them take nap . They will take nap 12:30-3-3:30pm (about 2:30 -3 hrs). Good time to study. when they take nap. (But remamber never let them take nap after 4pm otherwise they will not sleep at night again). Then i will let them play , snacking then (that time also i utilize to study depending on the situation). At about 5pm cook dinner then about 6:30pm we will take dinner.
At 7:30 pm they go to bed. Then i will take out time to study after doing dishes etc .. frm 8pm to 11pm or some time till 12. But usually not later than 11pm.
I know each one of us have different experiences and schedule but You try to adjust / set your schedule whichever is easier for you.
tcare n good luck.
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