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If i take step1 on May 14th,When can i get result - step1_success
yeah...thats true!Thanks again.Appreciate it.
I thinkmid may must be after 14th.
how about for the 13th of may???
@hopeblessing....r u kidding me??this is not a place to play around.dont waste everyone's time like this.
@miss anjali how am i playing??? i am sorry grow up woman, i am worried about that whole score delay as its interfering with my plans, and thats why i am asking if may 13th would be in that time period that their changing?
next time plz dont take out ur fustration, everyone here has the right to ask and if u feel liek its wasting ur time, frankly speaking stop refreshing every few minutes this forums website and focus on ur studying!

Oh please...gimme a break!already someone posted that mid of may will be after wud 13th may be?? Guess u need to grow up rather than anyone else....start with learning numbers...u can come back here later! and plz...dont even bother to give an other reply...bcos im not intrested!! u can ask all ur brainless doubts...and u need to refresh the forum page more than anyone to keep track of ur doubts or whateva. Carry on...good luck with that. :-)
i asked 13 MAYBE because i checked on another forum and this year 2012 THEY DID NOT GIVE AN EXACT DATE last year mid-may they said up until may 17 till end of june, and this year since no date is specificed, even if u call them they wont give u a date, someone with may 10 could also be considered mid may, thats why i am asking, not because i have nothing better to do, but i dont get why out of all the people you have to go answer this question since you dont even know the answer. Go get ur mood swings checked up, u dont want them to interfere on ur test date!

and rather then giving attitude seriously grow up this is a public forum, and people like you should just stay away its you and your negative energy that needs to stay AWAY. I am not the one who bombared the other one with their negativity.

and GOOD LUCK ON UR EXAM! ANJALI and i hope u find ur RAHUL
stop arguing for this useless topic GO STUDY
i already told all of you it totally depends on the workload of USMLE HQ.
if they have alot of applicants they would even start delaying scores from 1st may
this is just there assumption from last years applications that this year it will peak around mid may
and it can also happen that no ones results are delayed
its just a way of telling applicants to dont call them for this reason and CLOGG up there phone lines
cant u understand this very simple thing !
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