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not nbme--q- arterial blood gas value - leukocyte4500.11000

1-at high altitude it would be FiO2 dec, PAO2 dec, PaO2 dec, SaO2 dec and increased PACO2= Hypoxemia

all correct except PACO2, because of hyperventilation which is part of acclimatization response PACO2 is low (respiratory alkalosis)

2-Also when you have decreased RBC, dec Hb, PaO2 dec... =Hypoxemia

all correct except "PaO2" should be O2 content

I think you are using "PaO2" instead of "O2 content", but these are two different things, O2 content is total amount of O2 available in 100cc blood, PaO2 is actually pressure of the O2 dissolved in plasma
perfect explanation of the concepts here:
**all correct except "PaO2" should be O2 content**

shool, thanks for clearing it up for me. I actually learned this from Dr. Sattars videos and that's what he was using in his videos.

may be I'm wrong, I wish I had those videos
ph would be close to 7.45 but slightly higher
paco2 would be less than 40
plasma HCo3-would be less than 24
and pao2 would be normal or increased

Stranger, can you plz explain me how you know ph should be **close to 7.45 but slightly higher**?

and PaO2 normal or increased?

If i had to choose an answer I would have gone for higher values so how would you know it has to be near not too high?
shool... here u go..
I just looked it up in KAPLAN, there is a nice table for it:

Acute changes and long term adaptations (Acclimatization), here is part of it:


PAO2 and PaCo2 decreased remains decreased

PACO2 and PaCO2 decreased remains decreased

systemic arterial O2 content decreased increase to normal
Thanks shool I will add that to my notes....
you're welcome, sorry i wrote it as table format but after uploading the format changed.
shool the link i gave u those are the dr. sattars vids...

also.... are u working on uworld questions? I realllllly need help w/ a question there... It has to do w/ the curves of the Pulmonary ventilation and blood flow and I don't know how to post that question here. It's really confusing to me I need someone to walk me through that... The id is 1541...
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