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Resist. This is not normal. - nanaki
There is no Hard evidence currently but we are working with ECFMG to crack down this illegal passing of exams. Esp CS exam in Houston. You go stay in hotel near Houston center and see . All this IMGs have the cases even before exam.

PD's only look at score they dont know how these non english speaking gets this score.
Cheeky little racist f&ckers. I hope both of you don't get any residency positions and if you do, that you have to take care of plenty of immigrants and you get a nasty IMG attending that makes your life beautifully painful.

The cool thing is that being fake doctors with no real knowledge, us IMGs are able to get residency and fellowship positions that some of these dudes not even capable of getting into a US medical school cannot.

Now I'm off to save American lives with my fake medical degree and no real knowledge.
nanaki, you are the real racist. Muslims never hire people of different religion. If the head of a group is a Muslim, he'll hire Muslims only. If the head of a group is a white guy, you'll see all religions and races working for him.
You get residency spots only because Muslims are in superior position at those Universities/hospitals. I checked our website. Only 3 white people out of 35 residents, 1 Asian, 2 Indians. The rest are Muslims.
BTW, if our patients are nasty, we call security and discharge them.
I don't understand why people hate each other here. Pain shouldn't be redirected to hate others. And now that the executive order has been passed and we don't know how programs or ECFMG will react. All I can say is to stay put and don't move out of the country. I understand the pain of the US Grads as well, but hatred is not the medicine. Good luck for the match.
That is absurd logic and you know it me7. Sounds extremely basic.
By the way, by white you mean AMGs right? Who is racist again? Also, India is in Asia.

Prove this to the overseeing agencies such as the ACGME instead of whining about it if you think your colleagues are being treated differently. Discrimination based on race and religious preference is illegal (so far, who knows what other tantrum the overripe balding mango will sign tomorrow). Did the selection process include AMGs? Did AMGs even want to go there in first place? My program had only 1 AMG for more than 30 PGY1 residents because AMGs would not set foot at that hospital as residents. It was a "toxic" program and AMGs want either profitable residencies or university positions that allow them to go into academic work. Nobody wants to work in community hospitals to be "stuck" on primary care afterwards.

But one thing you say is true. The "head" of our group is a white guy and he is doing a great job at letting Women, LGBT, blacks, latinos, muslims and immigrants from all groups work with him.
People as doctors we need to be non-bias and ethical when it comes to patients or even our views.
I am fortunate and grateful that I was born and raised in the best country in the world that supports and guides people to fulfill their dreams. The foundation of the US is a country of Immigrants and without this we would not be the US.
Now you all are looking at this the wrong way. This shouldn't be about someones ethnicity or religion but some legitimate reason why residency position should favor US citizens are because:

1. Most the countries IMG's are coming from would not allow FMG to come practice in their country
2. The majority of US citizens wether they are AMG or IMG have borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for medical school and are obligated the rest of their life to pay back the loans. The country invested large sum of money in these individual and the system must secure a way to get its money repaid from the students. How can US citizens pay back their loans to the US gov if IMG take a position away from them. Also because we are US citizen we pay on average 300k-500k for med school and non-US citizens not even 1% of what we pay to be doctors. This is unfair and unethical, by giving IMG residency positions that US citizens could fill is the same as the country throwing their citizens under the bus and losing money for the government. So if you want to come to the US you should have the same level as debt as we all do. There should be a program where the visa should cost around the average of a US-citizens average loan debt and Non-US citizen IMG could get loans and pay back the loan as we are all doing.
3. Most IMG's that just come to america to do residency and then go back to their country. They get paid more money in their country for doing residency here. So this sitiuation is one of the main reason the doctor shortage in the US continues to grow despite many new residency programs and medical schools opening up every year. This has to stop. This will bring our healthcare system down if it doesnt get fixed. We want the best doctors in the US and to come for any country but there has to be steps and regualtions in order for you to come here and positively impact our country in the future.
4. One of the sad things about IMG's coming here is that they leave their country and people behind. I have been on many missions in various country throughout the world and have seen it with my own eyes. The best doctors from these countries come here or go to other countries to make more money and leave their people in their country behind in the incompetent doctors that have no choice but to stay in their country. We are doctor meant to help people and save lives. We are not in the business to make money. In the US we are compensated well because we risk so much money and our lives to become doctors.

I can keep going but those issue are main concerns that I believe need to be addressed. This should not be about religion or someones ethnic background because people are coming from every country in the world and then we would have to ban everyone from every country and that will never happen.

Everyone has the right to pursue happiness and just because someone was born into a certain ethnicity or country does not give us the right to judge them.

But the process needs to be fair in all aspects for everyone.

Good luck everyone in the match may god guide us all to happiness.
Sorry, I just have to answer to newmd2016:

1. Maybe. Would AMGs want to go train and work in Ghana? Venezuela? Laos? Why? Wanting to go to sweden or norway is another thing (I'd go in a heartbeat), but how many people from those countries do you see coming here?

2. Not the answer. Debt is a problem of a broken system. Basing a decision for a residency position on debt would not be more ethical as you suggest. Do I get better jobs because I owe more on a mortgage than other people?

3. Most IMGs do not return, life in the US is infinitely better than the countries we are from. Who wants to go to a third world country to get paid $20 for performing an EGD?

4. Nope. Shortage of providers is probably not an issue in other countries. The place I'm from had 43 medical schools for a population of 40+ million people. Plenty of doctors to help around, even coming in from neighboring countries. The US will have a shortage of 90K physicians by 2025.

If You have concerns or proof that US citizens are not being considered for residency positions, address them with the ACGME or other governing agencies. There are plenty of filters and roadblocks, and IMGs that get into residency and practice in the US go through all of those to be able to train and practice in the US.

I have a better answer for you:

- Getting into medical school does not a guarantee a residency position anymore if you are not an excellent candidate with good scores or if you are not in an accredited US based school. Schools that take advantage of citizens and graduate them as IMGs should be accredited and have the same considerations as US schools.
- More AMGs should go into primary care but that will never change. An AMG will want to pay debt fast or have plenty of money easily (as we all do), and it's a lot easier for a dermatologist or an orthopedic surgeon to do so than what it is for a family practice physician.
- Prevent your new president from gutting Medicare. Residency positions will not be sustainable if funding is cut. They need more positions, not less money.

The reason why there is shortage of doctors is that after majority of Indians. Let me rephrase this without offending anyone. When non-us IMG come here from India they do their respected residencies and upon completion they return to their respected country. Yes, being a doctor who did residency from US pays better in India since it is the quality of education. Once these doctors leave, hospitals are burden with few doctors. The fact that upon completing residency they leave. That is why hospitals will pick US IMG first. GOD BLESS.
everyone comes to USA because here the doctors salary is very high in addition to excellent training.
Where do the US born doctors go leaving their own country. Atleast IMGs have option of going back to their countries and practice. I want to see how many IMGs would come to USA just to get training, if the residency doesn't pay any salaries and practicing doctors get low income


1. Actually I love to have the opportunity to go to those countries and help the people that are suffering and need proper healthcare.

2. No Debt is not a broken system it is an investment the US gov made on its citizens to help build and grow the country in the future. It is not basing residency on debt but we as citizens that borrowed from the gov are now not only becoming influential in the medical field and making our country citizens healthier but we are also contributing to the countries economy and by doing so allowing more opportunities for our future generations to come.

3. Most IMG's have no choice but to return back to their countries after residency because they cannot obtain a visa to work here after anyways. Secondly it is the responsibility of the citizens of your country and all other countries to make change and make your country as good as the US is. But by smart and influential people like you abandoning your country to come to the US to make money is essential killing your own country and will never change. BTW you are getting paid in those countries accordingly to how much you paid to go to medical school. That is why we get paid the most in the US because it cost the most to go to school here. I am not saying you and other IMG's dont deserve to get paid but if you do you must contribute to our country as much as we do. We are citizens and we support our country, pay our taxes, pay our loans, pay the interest, pay our dues in order to build our country without those components there would be residency spots or even a US. But why do we the citizens of the US contribute so much and then get taken advantage by people like you to just come make money for herself and not contribute and support the country like we do. It is not right and needs to be changed.

4. Yes you are right there is not a shortage issue in other countries but in the US there is and yes it continue to grow because the system is flawed and not regulated like it should be.

I have no concerns for US citizens being considered for residency, actually if you read the latest news PD's are being told by state officials to rank all US citizens higher than non-US citizens for the match this year and Trump is about to sign a executive order to restrict and limit H1B visa and only allow them to be utilized if the salary is >$130,000 which essentially removes H1B visa use for residency programs unless you can convince them to pay you that much. It is unethical and wrong for non-US citizens coming and using our country and not contributing to it like we have and it will stop. You want to come here you must contribute as much as we have or more to be apart of our country. If not than it is not in the best interest of our country to have you here.

The only people gutting medicare are people like you that think they have the right to come to the US and get paid and not contribute to the gov like we have.
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