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My prep for the day !! - usres12
GM all, sorry didnt update yesterday as time was running fast & in btn had to do some chores.
yesterday i also read bio & some other quest of resp physio.

for micro i am not reading it yet i am just memorizing as a whole as i dont have time now. after completing patho then will read c/f in detail. but along with patho i am simultaneously reading some of its c/f ,transmission etc & also whiled doing some of uw quest it covered micro & drugs which i dint expect so thats a good thing .
i am focusing more on difficults like phsio, immuno, bio, path.
its been awhile since i revised bio & pharma cant find the time as its going by fast & some times my mind is tempting me u need more time to do all nbme etc but the key is in short time to cover all mainly with concepts behind it.

ok now will study , will update later
GM all...days r just flying by. cant believe it's end of feb already. it helps when we discuss things here, the more we discuss, the more we may remember!

@owl: just wanted to clear up neurocutaneous disorders, u mixed them up in ur previous posts...

vHl- Hemangiomas
Tuberous sclerosis - hamarTomas
(this is a way to remember them)

sturge weber- has port wine stain in V1 distribution & AVM's (leptomeningeal angiomas), mental retardation

osler weber rendu (aka "hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia") as the name states has telangiectasias & AVM's, skin discoloration (but no port wine stain?)

drugs prolonging QT interval: Class IA & III antiarrhythmics, macrolides, haloperidol/risperidone, antimalarials (chloroquine, mefloquine), methadone, HIV protease inhibitors, fluoroquinolones (list is extensive)

@2177: it takes some time to get back to studying properly once there's been a break as has happened to me many times in my studying. keep going with the flow. i agree with raw, everyone's circumstances r different & some have it easier than others.

@all: had posted a q in one of my previous posts

follicular lymphoma is c/b translocation of bcl2 oncogene from chromosome 18 to next to Ig heavy chain region on chromosome 14 ---> over expression of bcl2 & inc bcl2 protein

(this is what i have in my notes from uw i think cuz those r the only notes i have in my fa so far) can u guys clarify is the actual translation the other way around, oncogene on 14 moves next to 18?
hey guys done with my first block..phew! can't believe im doing it second time..felt like the first time...i didnt remember the questions at all..maybe 2 or need to work harder i guess!!

good to see u up and workin carpe Smile and thanks for sharing

ok starting dit day 6 lecture 1

by the way guys...what should be the percentage in UW when u do it second time..80 or 90?? just wondering!! i took it as a learing tool first time round but now i just wonder!!

@owl: typical antipsychotics block D2 receptors found in brain. tx- + symptoms of schiz.

high potency- more extrapyramidal SE
low potency- more anti-cholinergic SE

atypicals block 5HT2, alpha, H1 & DA receptors. tx- both + & - symptoms

DA normally inhibits prolactin, without DA ----> hyperprolactinemia

what are the EPS SE guys?

carpe: scroll down on this page on the table!

so from the table i think it seems to say first IGg on chr 14 makes fusio protein and then bcl2 present on chr 18 induces fusion protien to become anti apoptotic

@raw: q was something different though, does 18 translocate over to 14 or 14 to 18? i know it's t(14:18) but i have it written same as i wrote above (which seems to be the opposite)
GM guys .. another brand new day with fa .. another hopeful attempt foa another 40 pgs ,,

todays target -- hemat and musculo sk ..
GM all
yesterday i only studied a bout 2 hr ,,,now starting with neuro again ........
thereis heavy snow at fargo ,,,they said it would be about 6inch.....
happy studing
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