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Anyone out there like me? - cloudy
here we go ::::::::::
Dear Cloudy,
I just saw your POST and I couldn™t resist, BUT to write to you
I will talk to you as woman to woman, especially as a divorce woman, as a colleagues, as a doctor and as a fellow human being that is in crisis..

First I want to congratulate you for the COURAGE that you have..Courage that YOU are NOT even aware of it bc you seems like you feel lonely, betrayed, alone without any financial, moral nor spiritual support.
Seems like you feel that is end of the world and you feel helpless, hopeless, not worthy as a human being, as a wife, as a mother, as.
Seems like you feel like a failure, not capable of anything.
And you did hear it many times form your husband or his family How you can™t become a doctor in this country, how you are this and that and you are called œevery single name in the book
And the day passes by and you feel more depressed and bitterer and jitter.ready to ˜explode œin this œput in a box without wings œ , in this œput in tree box that can™t GROW œ
Yes my dear I know exactly how you feel bc I had been there.BUT I am THANKFULL TODAY bc that was the TIMES that DROVE me CLOSER to GOD
And the Number one things that HELP me succeed were and it is MY FAITH in GOD.

And books can tell you this and that and yes you can take calming pills , sleeping pills, AD pills ..Yes it will help alleviate the symptoms, BUT The FAITH will keep you GOING, will OPEN doors for YOU and the day will come when you will see the LIGTH in the end of the TUNEL

I had a Russian friend with similar story like mine and yours and one day she told me œVyou have a choice in life and your choice is to get read of this exam™s first bc of You and second bc of your daughter BECAUSE you mad ea choice to be a doctor , then BE ONE œ

So my dear Cloud today I will tell you the sameYou made a choice eto be the doctor and let™s BE ONE in this U.S.
Do it for your self and for your daughter and for your patients
I had a friend who told me ones œV LIVING WELL IS THE BEST REVENGE œan dye Indeed..
May this suffering be your STIMULUS to DO WELL bc all of your surrounding is œwishing you to fail œ, BUT you know what when my ex told me œI want you to failI can™t wait to see how you are going to file bankrupts and so and so œ..
I didn™t say anything, BUT my blood was boiling and I SAID IT TO MY SELF œTHIS IS IT , I CANM™T CHANGE HIM, BUT I HAVE TO BE IN CHARGE OF MY OWN ATTITUDES œ
So I made a PLAN and I stick with itit was NOT easyI start to think about me. Making appointment form the family doctor , to a psychologist where I can vent , where people are NOT going to be biased,, took medication, and I start to pray everyday on my knee™s , I start a regular exercise.
And I said the TIME WILL COME WHEN I will file for divorce when he will NOT expect it, BUT before I did that I tried to safe the marriage so later on I can say that I did the best that I could and he can™t say that now.

So take a nap when your child is napping, take some benedryl or whatever to relax you in the next 10 days and PRAY
Then you will go ONE by ONE
I am NOT going to encourage you to get divorce, BUT if a MAN can™t tell the truth, for me that is NOT a MAN. And a MAN who doesn™t take responsibilities for his child and the mental welfare of His wife, then that is NOT a MAN.
You can™t change your Husband, he has done this to his ex wife and his children and he is going to do it again to you, too.
Sometimes DIVORSE is a health choice bc I will rather my child be from the œbroken family œ then œLIVE IN ONE œ
I didn™t want my child to witness this œmarriage MODEL that how the married couple should live together, language matters, BUT body language matters, too.

NO MARRIAE is perfect, bc any relationship is a PARTNERSHIP, NOT A DICTATORSHIP.

So first GO for YOUR EXAM and do something to be CALM and to NOT fall into the œprovocation of your husband œ..
Second if h ehit you or whatever be prepared to call 911 bc like this you protect your self and this is U.S. one day you don™t want to end up with NO husband for SURE and then with NO FINANCIAL SUPPORT
Seems like you are isolated and you don™t have a clue about things like that..
You are SMARTH an let him underestimate you ,BUT one day he will regret that he didn™t know how to treat his woman, BUT you know what he doesemn™yt know any better and he is NOT willing to learn.
Regarding the fact that he is in contact with His ex “you should let Him be in contact bc Kids are involveBUT he shouldn™t have any sexual relationship which probably he does, BUT you can change Him ONLY THING THAT YOU CAN CHANE IS HOW YOU RESPOND TO HIM and MAKE A PLAN one step at the time..
I am sure you have a beautiful child that NEED A MOMMY, especially happy mommy who want to be A doctor.
So do whatever you have to DO TO STABILIZE YOUR MOOD, YOUR SUICIDAL THOUGTHS and be careful if you say this in front of Him, he may us eit against you one day

So DON™T JUST GET BITTER and leave, GET MAD and GET IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!(this is what Ivana Trump said )..

So 1)PRAY and PRAY and PRAY and Thank God for this suffering AND ASK Him for Guidance , TO GIVE YOU WISDOM and STRENGTH to deal in this difficult times and LET HIM BE IN CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!

2)Stay CALM (take meds, or whatever )
3) GO FOR YOUR EXAM with the MOTO œI A GOOD WOMAN, I AM AOOD DOCTOR and I CAN DO IT, what others are DONE I CAN DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!)
4)GET OUT OF THE PITTY MOOD and ACTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5)Walk with your child , exercise , meditate.,,,,wear something nice, talk to a trusted friend an dif you don™t have one , ask God to find you one.
Talk to us, to me at,

So for NOW this is enough..
Remember if you THINK YOU CAN™T then you really CAN™T, BUT if you think YOU CAN then YOU REALLY CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO START ACTING NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




May the Lord bless you and give you the strength and courage to focus and make it though your exam. May he grant you lots of barakat and may you do very well in your step. Amen.

I pray that he may guide you in the right direction. Please, Please, please remember you are a strong and powerful human being and you are a MOM and there is someone who needs you very much. Whose whole well being depends on her MOM. So discard all the negative ideas. Look at your little one and focus on the future ONE STEP AT A TIME and Inshalla everything will work out.

I dont mean that you should be complaicent and take the abuse but be smart about it...Jovana made a lot of very good points.

Allah be with you..Amen
Amen Kafe-Kafka...I like your name..Do you read a lot of books from Kafka ????
Keep on going Forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just be strong for 10 more days and give your exams. a lot of us go thro these probs and then they pass. all bad times definitely will pass. be strong for your own sake and look after yourself. take care and all the best.
you are a doctor the best profession of all --you have abright future and ur kid depends on you -
right now you concentrate on ur exms -wait 4 the time when you will be strong then talk about it to your husband --your carrer can pay you a good money--- you will be no more begging for tiny thing s --cheer up !!
and dont let a person(husband) to take away yur happiness, life !!he if he is not worth it ?
you have a wonderful thing in this world A KID ----wait for a while -you will forget all these problems soon !! just think of your resedency ok
hey cloudy....first get done with your exam, u know when i read ur posting, from some angle i felt it was me writing...ohh there r so many people in this world who are not so lucky..but never mind...just kick this exam real hard and the get back, u can write to me at yananima, we have a lot in common trust me..
Dear Cloudy
Time will make everything Nice.But I think dont compromise with lie,
injustice and Unfairness.I did not compromised with injustice and I suffered
a lot but now at least when I look back I feel better that I have overcome
lots of my troubled time.I am still very poor economically but rich in heart.
Just pray and work for USMLE.
Spend a moment here,
goodluck cloudy.
get done with ur exan first and i will write to u .
May the peace of God that passes all understanding and his unfailling hands help you now and always.
You are definetelly a rich soul..thanks for sharing this with us.May God continue to bless you..
u will be fine inshaAllah.i offered prayer for u n will remmeber u in each breath of mine is full of terrible stories.we c ppl smiling everyday but u cant figure out the pain behind these smiles.Be patient at this moment till ur exam.concentrate on ur rexam.
Try to get on ur feet as soon as possible after u take ur exam.this is v imp n keep studying ...
one day u will be shining InshaAllah.keep studying n keep praying.May allah be with u
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