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Nursing Program or USMLE????? - aatinawi
Guys agree with everyone.But please not compare Nursing with Medicine are totally diferent carrers. If one cannot tell the difference is because that person is totally bias. Now in days nurses make money in US but 15 to 20 years ago it wasn't like that,and doctors used to make a lot, of course with the health care management change in the late 70's early 80 's everything change. Some people will argue that as a Physician you can still make money,and of course doctors earn a good income,but not comparable to 20 years ago. If you have passion for medicine go for Medicine.
Good Luck
Guys there is no need to argue endlessly about which career path is the best. Every individual has unique set of circumstances they must deal with while pursuing usmle. Some may find that nursing career could enable them to secure green card while affording them financial stability in the short term. Yet some others may just decided on outright career switch having gieven up on MLE altogether. The choices u make today determine your life tomorrow.

As an individual I will not go into Nursing or PA fields regardless of how much these professions command. Again this is me but your own situation and motivations may differ. I will rather go into postdoctoral fellowship or Clinical research ( do MPH if necessary).

If money is all you care about how about investment banking? AMGs are dumping the stethoscope for career on Wall Street in record numbers but none is switching to Nursing or PA.

For quick Nursing career go here:
to genesismd:

i am usually a silent observer of this forum and i rarely reply to anything but this time, i am not going to let this pass. FYI, i am also working as a RN in California while taking my MLE's. i can honestly say that my gross for 2007 is in the 80 k range. that is 3 times/ week 12- hour day shift. i can't work more than that bec. i have a young son. my husband who does a lot of hours doing dialysis RN gross is 160 k. so, i am just laughing at you right now. i don't mean to brag but i just want to erase the notion that only MD's make money in this country. please dont accuse people. do your research and you'll be amazed at how much you DON'T know.
i'm also laughing at you too...Nobody brought the issue of who makes more money(specially the one who opened the thread)...
Moreover given the fact you care a lot about money I wouldn't have decided to be a Nurse if I were you..I would do something else out of healthcare professions
how much money and time u need to be a rn..who can start earning ....???????????plzzzzz annser ne one
WELL! i am working with consultants in different specialties but mainly i'm working as an ICU nurse/house supervisor here in our hospital 8 drs already are passers of USMLE STEP 12 and step 2 cs but after working as a nurse they're very satisfied and doesn't like to pursue anymore but of course thats their choice and consultants envied the flexibility of time nurses have plus the earned vacation hours plus you can just move whatever state you like and the the demand is there. So, i guess doing nurse can be a good stepping stone for those who still pursue all the rigors of medical residency. For all IMGs pray hard and check out nursing career too . Good luck again!
youre also given greencard ( permanent resident ) to the hospital that sponsors you.....
aatinawi, Are you studying RN in your country or in the US? Does any body take BSN and work as RN in the US? It is more competitive for getting into the residency. Your situation and your CV will be better with RN job while waiting for the match.
I am BSN-R.N. as my preparatory before going to medicine. I am working now as BSN-R.N., C.C.R.N. here in Southern California. Los Angeles County offered good benefits to medical drs doing R.N. they give credit to your medical schooling so if you apply youre int he higher bracket already. If youll do school nursing your salary will be 74 thousand per year plus three months vacation with pay then you can work the 3 months vacation and your rate will be 60 dollars per hour. IV nurse gives you 200 per call/patient, homehealth gives you 60-90 per patient anyways nursing can be a good source of income to pursue medicine
filipino -How long did you take for BSN-RN? and What shool did you attend the BSN program(in LA?)? Did you have to complete their requirements before joining BSN? Thanks for your information.
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