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just for f_m_g - lac
oh my God! i don't know where to start john2007. i've got step 3 coming up, but i'll just clarify a few for u (by the way, i have memorized most of the koran so i'm very familiar with these verses):
1... {A woman is worth one-half a man. 2:282} this is actually the longest verse in the koran and talks about an important concept in life/society: when u lend someone money, write it down, and have witnesses, to prevent any problems. and actually many problems occur in business when people fail to write things down officially. now a part of the verse says (this is a rough translation): "And call 2 male witnesses, and if they are not 2 men, then 1 man and 2 women" THIS IS NOT DEGRADING WOMEN IN ANY WAY because physiologically women r not as stable as men, they r more emotional (which is actually good in a way, cuz they r more caring/loving then men etc.). sometimes there emotions obscure their thinking and vision and so in Islam 1 male witness = 2 females.
2... {males inheriting twice as much as females} true BUT let me give u the COMPLETE ruling in islam: in islam, if both the husband and wife work, the money the woman makes is ONLY hers, and the husband has absolutely no right to that money, and the money the man makes is for him, his wife and family. also, in islam if the dad dies, the brother gets more than the sister, but he is responsible for the whole family, his sister is responsible only for herself. so in the end, it works out the same, if not better for women.
and just a quick look at the rest of them: most have been taken COMPLETELY out of context, have been translated very poorly, or u've only mentioned a part of the verse and not considered the verses before and after that explain wats goin on

{Don't pray if you are drunk, dirty, or have touched a woman lately. 4:43}
the arabic word here is "laamastum", and the correct meaning here is "had sex with" and not touched. so when a man has sex with his wife, he has to take a shower before praying. simple. same goes to the woman.
john, this is copy and paste stuff, you need to know how much is the truth and go to the context as well.
let me give you a hint,,,as you can see Islam gave same rights to women about the slaves they have as it gave to men. Islam forbids slavery very openly. slavery was a culture in Arab world before that and Islam devised a gradual way of abolishing slavery.

Before Islam, Arabs used to bury their daughters alive on the day of their birth. Islam gave women rights and voted for equality of rights. Man inherits more of the property because he has a family to take care of and other responsibities as well.

Women are equal half a man only when they have to testify. only then testification of one man equals that of two women.

seriously, sir if what you have questioned above are the only questions you have then you are very near to truth because they are all answerable rationally.

and to your knowledge, Muahmmad`s wives used to deliver lectures and people would come to them with questions that they answered.

and I hope you know why lot offered his daughters to the mob of angle rapers?

and please note that Muhammad`s second marriage was at the age of 51, only after the death of his first wife. so you can not call him hypersexual because he did not marry any women he wanted although allowed to do so.
[[[because physiologically women r not as stable as men, they r more emotional (which is actually good in a way, cuz they r more caring/loving then men etc.). sometimes there emotions obscure their thinking and vision and so in Islam 1 male witness = 2 females]]

in other words as physiologically males have 4 eyes and females have just one hemisphere in their brain (u must recall ur step-3 notes).. hence proved that islam is the truest when it comes to believes and purity of faith.

just to add to ur physiology, the latest functional pet scans, where they study the brain's activities as a spectrum of colors representing the relative usage of different brain parts suggests that men use more of their limbic system and its subjected to little inhibition from the frontal lobe as compared to women.. and in the time of emotional stress.. the notion holds even more correct! now my vague knowledge about neuro tells me that frontal is where logical reasoning rests while limbic is where emotions storm at the time of stress.. what to you get out of it? probably u need to come up with a new verse.. or for that matter come up with a new meaning for a verse thats already somewhere in there.. coz u know thats what they are best at.. when a new discovery jumps in.. so does a new meaning for something thats been there for ages.. just make use of ur frontal lobes! before it suffers the dis-use atrophy and the genes for ur rational thinking start down sizing..
fob!!!! how dare u ????? i hope no ladies read wud hurt her for sure!!! not all ladies rest and sleep at home and eat the $$! and who cares if they have t work so hard to rais kids and house working for free!!!...some poor ladies work so hard to support parents!!!!!! they even work harder than a male...hows dat going ot be fair ???
u r really making me laugh so hard!!!! wht u say cud be rite in those old times in Arab deserts!! even i am not agree with dat, coz history say male were leaving femles and kids for months after months to be on war for the sake of Islam? those poor females had to work and raise the kids and support whole the family and parents too with no male help!

u know wht? we both shud work on step3! lets leave it here! god dont need our help to support or defent him! happy studying! am back to step3!
Bravo f_m_g. Moderator deleted my thread! These are fixed delusions, hard to get rid off! But rationalists must take it head on! We have to attack the fortress of blind faith straightway. Someone has to do the dirty job. GOD be with you, reason be with us! It's a hard battle man! Remember what I told you last night? It's the fight of 1% against 99%!
thanx holycowwwwwwwwwwwww.. my fight against the irrational and against the ENEMIES of REASON, as Dawkins wud call them, will be never ending.

they have to accept that they must stop PEACHING and hypnotizing the coming generations. they have to stop poisoning them with religion and superstitions as enough blood has been spilled already in the wars to decide whose IMAGINARY GHOST is the best to be worshiped..
firstly, u have very unique writing skills (compared to most doctors), but there's no need to be so sarcastic
can u plz give me a source for the pet scan studies u mentioned.
even if they r true, when we talk about the limbic system/neuroscience etc. u r talking about a very complex and vague field. and it's not a clear 1+1=2 equation. yes the limbic system may be responsible for some of our emotional aspects, but we can't make the simple conclusion that if men have a stronger signal from there limbic system, then that means men are more emotional than women
and until science develops more so that we can understand the brain in a better way, lets talk about reality. and before i say anything, i'd like to say that i fully respect women. its women who create generations. there intellect is equal to males and so on. but there r differences between men and women (and they don't make either less). reality shows that women r more emotional (i'm talking in general here, there r exceptions). but this is not a negative!!! why??? because its this emotional aspect that makes them loving and caring mothers. there's no way a man can do a better job than a woman in raising a child in the 1st few years (i'm talking about the emotional aspect and not changing diapers, so no need to be sarcastic about this). have u ever wondered why 95% (if not more) of kindergarten/primary school teachers are females??? cuz they can deal with the kids better than men. but at the same time, its this emotional aspect that made the koran decide that 1 male witness = 2 female witnesses.
i'm talkin about rulings here. so the islamic ruling is that a woman (even if she works and earns 250K/year) is responsible financially ONLY for herself. if her dad dies, her brother is financially responsible for her and i can give u many many more examples
now there may be women who r supporting their parents while their brothers have left and r enjoying their lives. and there may be husbands that force their wives to give them their earnings/savings. and their may be husbands that think there wives are there slaves. but these are people, not Islam. i'm only talkin about islam here, no need to give examples of what muslims are doing, cuz if they are not adhering to the islamic rulings regarding women then they r doin wrong and will be punished. and its funny how its only with islam that people get confused between islam and muslims. just take the IRA (irish republic army) for example. they comitted 100's of atrocities/terrorist attacks mainly in britain. they are christian catholics, but nobody ever said, why is christianity an extreme religion etc.

well i have been looking for that article i am referring to.. (for some good 35 minutes now) can't exactly find the link to that.. i read it in Times with very nice fancy diagrams on the shinny pages.. i remember! yes i accept wat i state here means nothing unless i can cite an unbiased source for that.. but the point i see in response is that u are negating to it altogether.. even if i come up with the source for my evidence, u have rejected it without even bothering to have a mere look.. so it wont really make a big difference even if i can get those pet scans.. somehow thats even satisfying for me and stops me from searching them with all my energies.. as now i can understand that it would be another futile effort for proving a point here.

okay leave the scientific realities for a moment and come into the logical reasoning and philosophical ideas.. thats a step down which often make religious think that they can beat the truth.. and something they can brag about!

"its this emotional aspect that made the koran decide that 1 male witness = 2 female witnesses"
just analyse this statement put putting it into a real life event.. say theres a murder.. or a robbery.. or a rape.. and there is a very decent lady who is the witness.. How on earth she aint good enough to be witness than that faggot who was jerking himself off and watching this all happen out of his window..

come on! is it about the dick that makes him understand things better? seriously! tell me if therez any recent pet scan that have detected a new thinking neuronal tissue in the glans!! or is it something wrong with vagina! coz it might be that some of the CSF drains out puting extra pressure on the brain stem and making it hard for the signiling in the cranial distribution.. coz u know thats where ur special senses are.. u can see.. u can hear.. u can smell.. but man o man u can't THINK RATIONAL! Smile
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