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chauvinism in action. rock and roll guys!!!
actully vridavan you got into med school through one of the corrupt loopholes of the indian system.....where colleges take NRI s to fill there pokets while leaving other better candidates behind, maybe among all of us , you should be most thankful to that system!!.
u know people like vrindavan will say similar thing about US health system once they complete their residency...and vrindavan u should try changing ur name least if a person with foreign name disgraces indian system we will understand!
its disgusting that ppl are using this forum to generalise india, obscure, discriminate and abuse indians. keep ur views to urself please. say something when requested, and definately dont say anything about the system you have selfishly been a part of.

vrin...have u heard of a term called as rape...well if u dint like it so much n still went tru it 4 five yrs...u were bein victimised n my sympathies.

guys lets move on its not at all amusing to see half breds and vastards make comments n get awaay wid it...
Socialism is in to Action LOL.

Indian Government should put a rule that all Indian MGs who received free education must PAYBACK the expenses goverment incurred while providing free education IF THEY LEAVE TO USA to SETTLE DOWN.

Those who come in above category and think they are patriotic to India, Go get a life.
are u 12 yr old...patriotism...wots that got to do with nethin u think u would be doin a favor to poor n deprived of the country by remaining there...

pvt grads dint pay to govt...they payed into pockets of those who could buy them a medical seat coz they were unable to do so on merit alone...

they hav more money n can arrange for uslors n things la tht...n its not a nice trend considering they hav come to represent IMGs....they r below par....but then money and contacts are resources...n we all havta accept that u use all ur resources...for some its still more money n avenues money can buy...for few, its the resource of there own persona n character...
What I am saying is stop complaining.
To cyber.......I entered my medical school system by merit.I didn;t have to pay any corrupt Indian politician to get my seat! And if its so important for me to have studied in my country whenre I was born and brought up then maybe you too shouldn't be giving the USMLE and look for a post in your own country.Practice what you preach!
To nemesis:
I can say whatever I want about the system as its the truth and I was a part of it.In my exam halls the number 1 cheats were Indians using all sorts of techniques.
During internship I had to do all the work becoz most of the lazy Indians ran away as quickly as they signed their attendance so they can study for their entrance exams.All they were good at is sucking up to the professors so they could get some extra marks.

Regarding education all they can do is mug up everything without even understanding a word.And thats why they are in the library the whole time not studying but mugging.
I didn't even know such a technique even existed where you're required to read up the book word by word and just 'vomit it out' in the exam hall.....I didn;t even know of the existance of the phrase 'to mug up' till I came to India.And yes nemesis,what does pariotism has got to do with anything.....ask sneha she's is the one who brought it up first!
And I was in the top 10 medical college of India and all this happens there.I really do not what goes on in the much lower ranked colleges?And if you think I paid money to get a seat then fine think whatever you want.......but if u believe it then its your corrupt system which took the 'so called money'!

Lastly India is corrupt and thats why its hardly developed in the past 60years and you all know it and thats why most of you want to escape the regressive,corrupt,backward and discriminating systems yourselves and want to find a more progressive and productive life.So don;t expect others to respect your country and system when you yourselves have none!
Hi Vrindavan,
Take a deep breath walk out into the open and air your head, you are way stressed out, if you continue to air your opinions however free this forum may be, you are just going to antagonize a whole lot of people. So to all it's good to vent your frustation, but it's smart to take a step backwards when you see such vile things being said about any country for that matter.
wow!! so many things going on in india!!
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